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sostanzapura's review against another edition
"Non accipimus brevem vitam sed fecimus, nec inopes eius sed prodigi sumus"
rozcoffey's review against another edition
okay seneca, maybe you made some points but it's not exactly anything extraordinary is it
ed_correa's review against another edition
Aunque pierde un poco la consistencia en sus posteriores ensayos, el primero es una belleza.
Aunque pierde un poco la consistencia en sus posteriores ensayos, el primero es una belleza.
douglasjsellers's review against another edition
Oscillates between very on point and applicable to daily life to feeling very dated.
vkurup's review against another edition
I read it quickly, since it was due back to the library. I'm amazed as much by the wisdom as by the age. Some things never change, and some principles need to be learned over and over again.
eclb's review against another edition
Livet er kort, og de fleste som lever det vet ikke hvordan de skal utnytte det best mulig. De ender opp med å kaste det bort på uinteressante sysler, sier Seneca. Jeg er egentlig ganske enig.
Dette er en veldig interessant tankestrøm! Anbefales egentlig å lese flere ganger, jevnlig for å starte litt generell refleksjon rundt hvordan en burde forenkle og konkretisere livet slik at en kan fokusere på det som er av betydning. Jeg vet at jeg absolutt burde gjøre det, selv om jeg ikke er veldig god til det akkurat nå. Å lese denne boka kan godt mulig hjelpe på veien mot et enklere og klarere liv.
So you must not think a man has lived long because he has white hair and wrinkles: he has not lived long, just existed long. For suppose you should think that a man had had a long voyage who had been caught in a raging storm as he left harbour, and carried hither and thither and driven round and round in a circle by the rage opposing winds. He did not have a long voyage, just a long tossing about.
robotnic's review against another edition
Brilliant. Going to have to start over & mark all of my favourite passages. Which, incidentally, will be almost all of them.