
Praise of Folly by Desiderius Erasmus

mattia_yoghi's review against another edition

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Un libro molto piacevole. L'autore critica i suoi contemporanei (principalmente clero, sovrani, filosofi e studiosi) con l'ausilio della Follia che canta le sue lodi. Essendo un libro del '500 è comunque un pò ostico da leggere ma tutto sommato scorre via facilmente.

"Vedo che aspettate una conclusione: ma siete proprio scemi, se credete che dopo essermi abbandonata ad un simile profluvio di chiacchiere, io mi ricordi ancora di ciò che ho detto..."

moosegurl2's review against another edition

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"This type of man who is devoted to the study of wisdom is always most unlucky in everything, and particularly when it comes to procreating children; I imagine this is because Nature wants to ensure that the evils of wisdom shall not spread further throughout mankind."

moosegurl's review against another edition

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"This type of man who is devoted to the study of wisdom is always most unlucky in everything, and particularly when it comes to procreating children; I imagine this is because Nature wants to ensure that the evils of wisdom shall not spread further throughout mankind."

vicachua's review against another edition

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[Selection from A Reformation Reader]

Scathing satire about clerical impiety and scholastic intellectualism. At points dangerously tending towards fideism (as he is said to have later regretted post-Reformation), though he does also reject mendicant anti-intellectualism in this work. This essay evinces the searing intellect and Christocentric reverence from the great Christian humanist — Desiderius Erasmus.

c_reading's review against another edition

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Review en Français • en Español • in English
Celle-ci est un type de lecture totale. Elle fait sourire, réfléchir, fâcher. Elle nourrit la pensée, remue les sens, entre en discussion avec son lecteur et, fidèle à son époque, partage des leçons morales pour édifier l'âme. Que dire de cet écrit que son titre ne révèle pas? C'est une éloge à la folie; la folie folle, la folie sage, la folie chaotique, la folie soulageante, et puis une critique; au début un peu à la dérobée, mais chaque fois plus dure jusqu'à la confrontation directe. On voit clairement dans ce texte la force d'Érasme comme écrivain et comme érudit qui domine totalement la matière. Voici un autre auteur que j'ai trop peu lu.

Esta es un tipo de lectura total. Hace sonreír, pensar, enojar. Nutre la mente, enciende los sentidos, entra en discusión con su lector y, fiel a su época, comparte lecciones morales para edificar al alma. Que decir de esta obra que su titulo no indique? Es un elogio de la locura; la locura loca, sabia, caótica, aliviadora y una critica; primero con parcialidad, pero cada vez con mas dureza hasta llegar a una confrontación directa. En este texto se siente claramente la fuerza de Erasmo como escritor y erudito, tiene un dominio total de la materia. Aquí esta otro autor que no he leído lo suficiente.

This is a type of reading I would call total. It makes you smile, it makes you think, it makes you angry. It nourishes the mind, stimulates the senses, engages with the reader and, loyal to its time, shares moral lessons to edify the soul. What more can I say about this work that the title doesn't? It's a praise of folly, folly that is insane, wise, chaotic, soothing and it's a critique; at first light, but progressively unapologetic until it reaches the level of direct confrontation. In this text one can clearly sense the strength of Erasmus as a strong writer and scholar in total control of his knowledge. Here is yet another author I have read too little.

mediocre's review against another edition

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For me, this book/essay consists of three parts. The first part is rather funny and much applicable to modern age. The second part is interesting, as it gives a look into daily life, court life and the clergy of the early 16th century. The third part is the least interesting to me, as it delves deeper into folly mentioned or explained in the Bible, or the people wielding it. This part tends to get a bit too longwinded to my taste and makes for the three stars I've given this book.

ainaraonzain's review against another edition

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Ai quina ràbia no ser una erudita per entendre tot el que diu irònicament el majo de l'Erasme. Està prou bé però dubto que me l'hagués llegit per voluntat pròpia. Ja sé que el Borges deia que "lectura obligatòria" és un oxímoron (els profes no paren de repetir-ho) però no tinc suficient erudició i segueixo sent vulgo ignorante com per desxifrar-lo bé i gaudir-lo sola. Erasme una mica misògin a vegades però li perdonem perque el Bernat n'està completament enamorant, ergo, deu ser un geni genialíssim.

dpchinchilla's review against another edition

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challenging inspiring reflective fast-paced


clarabigu's review against another edition

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m'ha agradat i estic contenta d fer una carrera tan xula com la nostra q ens acompanya en el procés d'entendre i fins i tot apreciar les idees d'uns senyorots que ens queden tan lluny (ideològicament i en el temps)

arihagerty's review against another edition

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challenging dark funny medium-paced
