
Tell Me You're Mine by Elisabeth Norebäck

missmesmerized's review against another edition

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Als eine neue Patientin zu der Psychotherapeutin Stella Widstrand kommt, traut sie ihren Augen nicht: Isabelle sieht aus wie ihre Tochter heute aussehen würde, genau so hätte sich Alice entwickelt, wenn sie nicht vor zwanzig Jahren verschwunden wäre. Stellas Umfeld glaubt nicht daran, vor allem nachdem sie einige Jahre zuvor schon einmal nach der vermeintlichen Wiederentdeckung ihrer Tochter völlig aus der Bahn geworfen worden war. Ihre Familie macht sich Sorgen, Stella ist völlig durch den Wind, verwirrt und abwesend und offenbar ist ihr nicht klar, auf welchem Weg sie sich wieder befindet. Das weiß sie in der Tat nicht, denn jemand möchte unbedingt den Kontakt zwischen Isabelle und Stella verhindern.

Elisabeth Norebäcks Debütroman kann auf der ganzen Linie überzeugen und hat mich von der ersten Seite an gefesselt. Es gelingt der Autorin, viele Spuren zu legen, so dass man lange Zeit verunsichert bleibt und nicht weiß, welchen Reim man sich auf die Vorgänge machen soll. Wird Stella tatsächlich bedroht, hat sie doch eine Psychose, die Wahnvorstellungen auslöst und die sie alles falsch deuten lässt? Am Ende folgt eine saubere und glaubwürdige Auflösung, die keine Frage unbeantwortet lässt.

Die Handlung folgt im Wesentlichen den Ereignissen um Stella. Durch das Fehlen der Perspektiven der Figuren um sie herum, ist man auch als Leser eingeschränkt in dem, was man weiß und kann nur Stellas Deutungen folgen. Mit dem Risiko, auch ihren Denkfehlern oder Fehleinordnungen zu folgen. Gelegentlich werden Abschnitte über Isabelle eingeschoben, die junge Studentin, die nach dem Tod des Vaters psychologische Unterstützung sucht. Es würde zu viel verraten hier ins Detail zu gehen, aber vom Ende her gesehen, sind diese Abschnitte ungemein clever gestaltet und tragen entscheidend zur Spannung bei.

Fazit: ein stimmiger Skandinavien-Krimi, der geschickt mit den Ängsten und Sorgen der Figuren und der Leser spielt.

writing_inthemountains's review against another edition

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I like a good swedish thriller from time to time. To make this review easier for you and myself let’s introduce our main three girls: Stella is the psychotherapist – the one who believes she found her long lost girl (then named Alice) who she presumed was dead, Isabelle (Alice) is the baby girl who now is 20 something and goes to Stella for therapy, Isabelle’s adoptive mom is called Kerstin. She goes to Stella because she lost her father 4 months ago and it’s crushing her, she also hates her mother so she feel alone, even though she has a good bestfriend. The book is moving with a slow pace, Stella didn’t told her husband or kid about Isabelle and she is currently experiencing panic attacks because of the past being turned. She proposed to Isabelle to participate in a group therapy, which she did and they she said at the end of a session that she hurts for her father’s death but she was even more surprised when her mom told her he was her adoptive father.

The plot was pretty interesting but the book was long and slow paced, otherwise the story was good but not really my type.

marcccb's review against another edition

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Wow! What an amazing debut novel!
I would categorize this book as a psychological drama novel and it’s a very good one.

When I first read the plot of the novel, it seemed more of a straight up drama to me but then I read some reviews about the novel and decided to give it a shot, and I’m very happy that I did. I have to say I have read similar novels to this one, but this one just stood out then the other ones. It had this distinctness to it that was so enjoyable to read and it that what makes it such a great book.

Stella has to be my favourite character. Not only because she is the protagonist of the story, but she is also such an unreliable character. When she tells everyone that she’s seen her daughter who went missing almost 20 years ago and who was presumed “dead,” obviously no one is going to believe her but she knows deep inside that’s its her daughter. I think it’s her confidence that makes her such a great character. She never gives up and continues to search for answers even though she knows the outcome might be dangerous.

It’s easy to distinguish the unlikable characters from the liked ones and while reading this novel you will easily hate some characters more than others.

The plot was so simple, but it also had a layer of complexity to it which made it so fun and exhilarating to read.

A job very well done and I can’t wait to see what Norebäck has in store for us next!

rocastt's review against another edition

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Este libro es uno de esos que es pura narración ósea que tiene muy poco diálogo y por eso se me hizo lento al principio pero, vale la pena leerlo? ABSOLUTAMENTE!!!! Es una historia tan real yo sentía la rabia del personaje principal, sentía la angustia de que nadie le creyera lo que ella decía akdhiwjsiwhduejziejwi
Mi género favorito son los thriller y este es uno muy bueno.

waralectora's review against another edition

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Atrapa desde la primera pagina. Una madre q ha perdido a su hija. La intuicion de haberla encontrado en una paciente q llega casualmente a su consulta terapeutica. Nadie le cree pero ella no se rinde.
Me gusto la forma de escribir de la autora. Capitulos cortos q te van contando la historia a travez de los diferentes personajes.
Ansiosa por leer mas a esta autora.

freddybingsu's review against another edition

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Pero, vamos por parte.

Stella tenía 19 años cuando su hija de 1 año, Alice, desaparece de su coche. La policía concluye que la niña se ahogó en el mar. Veintiún años después, Stella volvió a hacer su vida, se casó y tuvo otro hijo, se compró una casa y trabaja de Psicóloga, hasta que, un día llega Isabelle a su consulta, una joven adulta extremadamente parecida a la niña extraviada. Ésto hará que Stella vuelva a abrir viejas heridas y haga un montón de cosas para descubrir la verdad.

Ok, al principio debo admitir que no me llamaba especialmente la atención porque sentía que ya sabía cómo acabaría todo. También tengo que decir que empecé a leerlo en un mal momento ya que estaba super atareado con la universidad, por eso me demoré tanto en terminarlo, además de que al principio sí es bastante lento. PERO NO ME ESPERABA QUE AGARRARA VUELO DE LA NADA.

La segunda mitad del libro se va como avión, pero todo es confusión hasta más adelante. Llega un punto en el que los narradores no son confiables, Stella no era confiable por el estado en el que estaba, no sabías si lo que decía era verdad o parte de su imaginación; Kerstin se contradecía a sí misma por lo que también dejó de ser creíble; e Isabelle era la única que sabías que decía la verdad, pero como no sabía bien lo que pasaba, no podía decir mucho.

Pero, cuando todo empezó a encajar quedé

isabelh27's review against another edition

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dark emotional mysterious tense medium-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? Character
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Diverse cast of characters? No
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes


very simplistic sentence structure and writing, but very enjoyable characters and plot.  

abi280's review against another edition

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This was insane! This was such a wild story and it kept escalating and getting more crazy! I’m soooo exhausted because this was so emotionally draining, I had so many emotions!

angelareadsbooks's review against another edition

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Every once in awhile I need a good suspense/thriller. Tell Me You’re Mine was just what I needed to get me out of a slump and back to turning pages. This is the story of two moms, each claiming Isabelle as their own. Who daughter is she? Who’s crazy? Maybe they all are. Told from all three perspectives, this story kept me engaged and guessing. And just when I thought I had everything figured out, there were more twists. If you are looking to mix it up or enjoy this genre, this is an enjoyable and fast paced read.

Thank you to Netgalley and the Publisher for the opportunity to read and review this book!

calistaandrechek's review against another edition

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Stella is a psychotherapist and happily married mother with a young son. But when a new patient arrives, Stella’s life is turned upside down. Stella believes Isabelle is her long lost daughter Alice, who disappeared tragically as a baby over twenty years ago. Alice is believed to have drowned, but her body was never found and this lead Stella to believe that she is still alive. Everyone in Stella’s life believes she is delusional, but Stella will do anything to find out if Isabelle is really Alice. Stella is going to endanger herself and her family poking her nose into someone else’s life.

I found this novel started quite slowly for me, but I did understand that we needed some background on all the characters. Once Stella gets it in her head that Isabelle is really her daughter Alice, things really start to pick up. I enjoyed the writing in this novel and Stella and Isabelle’s characters and the different lives that they lived. I really enjoyed that this book was told from three different perspectives and the three women who have the most to lose. I also really enjoyed that two of the narrators are very unreliable and you’re never quite sure which person is the sane one. I really enjoyed the ending and how it all comes together!