
Brave New World Revisited by Aldous Huxley

anna26's review against another edition

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adventurous challenging inspiring reflective fast-paced


very relevant and thought provoking, definitely worth a read ! 

jakevar's review against another edition

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informative reflective medium-paced


summerdaisy's review

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I personally enjoyed Brave New World much more than Orwell’s 1984. The plot kept me very entertained along with how Huxley crafted this chilling dystopian world. This book shows what can happen if advanced science/technology gets into the wrong hands, specifically the hands of a controlling authoritarian-like government. In the novel, monogamy was taboo, the government controlled reproduction, people were sorted into classes (Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon), and people are addicted to a happy drug called Soma. A very thought-provoking read + interesting world.

sh00's review against another edition

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Многие мои знакомые здорово накололись с этим произведением. Они думали, что произведение и правда представляет собой продолжение через возвращение - но мало кто знаком с Хаксли не через Дивный Новый Мир (на этой обложке неправильно дано заглавие). Хаксли - мыслитель, и через много лет возвращается не в книгу, а к книге - анализирует свою (немалую) способность предсказать будущее (попутно поплёвывая в страну Советов).

Интересно, проживи он достаточно долго, куда бы он плюнул сегодня?

zetelic's review against another edition

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funny reflective medium-paced


video_ouija's review against another edition

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dark medium-paced


dolcezzina21's review

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Definitely worth a reread and closer look. It exposes the real life horrors of our society and the people who may be in charge. The society of Brave New World is not so unbelievable after you read these passages and think about our current state of affairs. Not a fun read, but an interesting, relevant one.

marinasendkast's review against another edition

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If only we listened to Huxley a bit more.
He would probably be horrified at how literally we’ve followed every step he told us not to follow. This collection of essays gives a lot of insight on the state of our society and great lessons on what we can do to prevent a future Brave New World.

ellacook's review against another edition

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challenging informative reflective fast-paced


aaniya's review against another edition

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challenging dark sad tense slow-paced