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End Transmission by Robyn Bachar

soulwinds's review

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I received this book from Net galley in exchange for an honest review

Actual rating is 2.5 stars, but I bumped it up because half star aren't a thing...

This one took me awhile to get into…as you can tell by looking at my start date. I finally just sat down and sped read the thing. Even though this is a shorter novel, I felt like it lagged on me. I took me a few minutes to conclude that we are in an alternate reality where there’s still a Soviet Union but humans have achieved some pretty good space travel capabilities. It’s also like (or is) the Cold War.

I may have made a mistake diving into the series, 3rd book in. I found the beginning not at all gripping so I struggled and tried not to roll my eyes when she almost moans over fake coffee and lusts unashamedly over Tomas. I also prefer some build up to the lust part, or at least some back story. But, again, that was probably my bad not reading the first two book to get the set up. Or maybe not, I just looked up the synopsis on the first two books…do Maria and Tomas actually feature?

Yeah, anyhow Maria lusts over someone she calls jackass in her head and is convincing herself she hates. Only she wants to lick him to see if he tastes how he smells…okay.

Of course, no war novel set in space would be complete without some explosions and a narrow get away…only they are forced to get away on a commandeered Soviet vessel, the Tiger Shark. Interesting name for a Soviet spaceship. Insert a minefield in space, being wanted by everyone after being labelled terrorists and you pretty much got this book summed up.

I did like how Maria is a self-sufficient, a little bit snarky, and mostly unafraid to tell it how it is. She steps up when she needs to and gets things done. But that was not enough to make me love this book and I really wanted to. The premise was pretty cool.

annarella's review

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This book is a page turner I wasn't able to put down.
It's fast paced, engaging and entertaining.
The world building is really interesting, the characters are fleshed out and well written.
Even if this is part of series I had no issue with the plot or the characters.
I look forward to reading other books by this author.
Highly recommended!
Many thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for this ARC, all opinions are mine.

literarybelleoftheball's review

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Let me start by saying I'm not much of a science fiction reader. However, I actually enjoyed this book. I didn't realize it was the third in its series. Even though it can definitely be read as a standalone, if you do not know the characters, it may start out slow for you as it did for me. It doesn't take long to really feel like you know Maria and Tomas as they go on their journey to make it back to their team and stop the Soviets from creating a device to control behaviors. If you like science fiction, I suggest you give this one a read.