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janeymacd's review against another edition
The Traitor Queen was a good end to the Traitor Spy series, even if the 'action' was a little short lived. The second book in this series was somewhat of a let down for me, it seemed like filler material, but the installment has redeemed the series.
As always, Canavan tied up the loose ends of this series, but left the end open for further story lines. I see at least another series set in this world in the near future
As always, Canavan tied up the loose ends of this series, but left the end open for further story lines. I see at least another series set in this world in the near future
pawlonardo's review against another edition
Nic nadzwyczajnego.
Po przeczytaniu 6 książek Canavan już nic nie jest w stanie mnie rozczarować, ale trzeba przyznać, że sam jestem sobie winny, bo nic od samego początku nie wskazywało na jakikolwiek niuans.
Na plus jest to, że jednak na świecie mogą być jakieś zmiany i nawet trochę napomniane jest o ich kosztach. Oczywiście nic głębokiego i omijamy wiele problematycznych tematów, ale i tak progres, bo postawa „Jest źle, ale nic się nie da zrobić” zdecydowanie nie jest warta niczyjego czasu po przeczytaniu 3 książek, które mają 500+ stron.
Chyba największym moim problemem w tych wszystkich książkach jest to, że to są młodzieżówki, które jak by były dla starszych odbiorców to by miały o wiele więcej do zaoferowania. To co nam funduje Canavan to jest taka trochę mieszankę młodzieżówki i czegoś bardziej poważnego. Więc na moje oko to słaba młodzieżowa seria, bo czytanie wszystkich tych książek to trochę tortury a nie dobra zabawa. Zaś wszystkie bardziej poważne tematy albo są spłaszczone, albo po prostu pominięte. Idealna lektura dla bachorów, które myślą, że są dojrzalsze niż są naprawdę.
Po przeczytaniu 6 książek Canavan już nic nie jest w stanie mnie rozczarować, ale trzeba przyznać, że sam jestem sobie winny, bo nic od samego początku nie wskazywało na jakikolwiek niuans.
Na plus jest to, że jednak na świecie mogą być jakieś zmiany i nawet trochę napomniane jest o ich kosztach. Oczywiście nic głębokiego i omijamy wiele problematycznych tematów, ale i tak progres, bo postawa „Jest źle, ale nic się nie da zrobić” zdecydowanie nie jest warta niczyjego czasu po przeczytaniu 3 książek, które mają 500+ stron.
Chyba największym moim problemem w tych wszystkich książkach jest to, że to są młodzieżówki, które jak by były dla starszych odbiorców to by miały o wiele więcej do zaoferowania. To co nam funduje Canavan to jest taka trochę mieszankę młodzieżówki i czegoś bardziej poważnego. Więc na moje oko to słaba młodzieżowa seria, bo czytanie wszystkich tych książek to trochę tortury a nie dobra zabawa. Zaś wszystkie bardziej poważne tematy albo są spłaszczone, albo po prostu pominięte. Idealna lektura dla bachorów, które myślą, że są dojrzalsze niż są naprawdę.
ktaylor1164's review against another edition
As I said in my review of the previous book, I read these because I was intrigued by the world and the basic plot; I wanted to be invested in the characters (and was, to the extent that I did care what happened to them), but none of these books really pulled me in. The writing is serviceable; the characterization is flat. Still, I read them all, so I can't say I wasn't pulled in.
readacorn's review against another edition
Sonea, die Schwarze Magierin von Kyralia, ist überglücklich, als ihr Sohn Lorkin von den Sachakanischen Rebellen freigelassen wird. Endlich wird er nach Hause zurückkehren. Aber zuvor verlangt der König von Sachaka, dass der junge Mann alle Informationen preisgibt, die er über die Verräterinnen hat. Doch Lorkin hat sich in eine der Rebellinnen verliebt und ist nicht bereit, sie auszuliefern. Der Sachakanische König droht, Lorkin sein Wissen mit Gewalt zu entreißen. Da verlässt Sonea Kyralia. Sie wird ihren Sohn nicht im Stich lassen – und hofft, dass sie ihn im Krieg beschützen kann …
Anfangs zog sich der Abschluß der Reihe etwas aber nach der zweiten Hälfte war der Knoten geplatzt und es wurden 350 Seiten an einem Abend und darauffolgenden Morgen verschlungen.
Dennoch ist diese Reihe nicht so stark wie sein Vorgänger. Ich bin gespannt auf 'Die Zeitalter der Fünf' und 'Magie der Tausend Welten' aber nun möchte ich zunächst eine Canavan-Pause einlegen und erst mal bereits angefangene Reihen beenden.
Anfangs zog sich der Abschluß der Reihe etwas aber nach der zweiten Hälfte war der Knoten geplatzt und es wurden 350 Seiten an einem Abend und darauffolgenden Morgen verschlungen.
Dennoch ist diese Reihe nicht so stark wie sein Vorgänger. Ich bin gespannt auf 'Die Zeitalter der Fünf' und 'Magie der Tausend Welten' aber nun möchte ich zunächst eine Canavan-Pause einlegen und erst mal bereits angefangene Reihen beenden.
livarleth's review against another edition
Somehow the story feels like it ended. I actually don't know if there will be more. That kind of makes me sad.
While I still prefer the original trilogy, this isn't all that bad, though sometimes it didn't really feel like twenty something years had passed. But practically all storylines wrapped up in the end. Which is kind of impressive. As allways a fantastic trilogy, with interesting characters :)
While I still prefer the original trilogy, this isn't all that bad, though sometimes it didn't really feel like twenty something years had passed. But practically all storylines wrapped up in the end. Which is kind of impressive. As allways a fantastic trilogy, with interesting characters :)
blodeuedd's review against another edition
Even this book left an opening for more, arghhhh. I just want to close a book and think the end.
But no, everything is fine, but there might be something coming, maybe not now, but maybe in 20 years, maybe never, but it might.
Sonea does not do much. And she has Regin with her, but that i liked.
Lorkin does not do much, but he might finally get the woman he loves.
Lilia does do something, and gets bullied too. Repeat much?
Dannyl worries.
The whole "war" went way too fast, way too easy, sheesh peeps, why did you not do that 500 years ago if it happened in like a week? More death and destruction please.
I do not trust the traitors....
I do wonder about that loose thread, will something happen? So she really should write another trilogy.
I still miss Akkarin, sigh.
But good, light and fast read fantasy.
But no, everything is fine, but there might be something coming, maybe not now, but maybe in 20 years, maybe never, but it might.
Sonea does not do much. And she has Regin with her, but that i liked.
Lorkin does not do much, but he might finally get the woman he loves.
Lilia does do something, and gets bullied too. Repeat much?
Dannyl worries.
The whole "war" went way too fast, way too easy, sheesh peeps, why did you not do that 500 years ago if it happened in like a week? More death and destruction please.
I do not trust the traitors....
I do wonder about that loose thread, will something happen? So she really should write another trilogy.
I still miss Akkarin, sigh.
But good, light and fast read fantasy.
mcfade28's review against another edition
Hmm. This was extremley hard to rate. This is the final book in a series I have been reading on and off since school. I am very sentimental about these books and even now, over a decade after reading the first novel, I feel a strong sense of loyalty and fondness for these characters.
Unfortunately the four stars I gave to this novel are more of a representation of this loyalty than a reflection of the quality of the book.
The novel continued its predecessor's habit of focusing on the new batch of characters rather than our old favourites. Rothen for example doesn't appear in any meaningful capacity until the final quarter of the novel. My favourite character Dannyl is heavily featured but just like in the last book, he contributes very little value. We spend a lot of time focusing on Lorkin and Lila's relationships but I found it very hard to care about either character ( especially Lorkin who has no real personality).
The plot is meandering which is fine for me, as I enjoy spending time with these characters, but I imagine many other readers would be bored.
Over 6 books Trudi Canavan has crafted a very intriguing world, but I sadly feel she could do more with it. I would happily read another 6 books in this world with these characters, but I would urge Canavan to lower the scale. Separating her characters geographically for the entire trilogy negatively impacted the novels Give us more Rothen/ Sonea/ Dannyl interactions. Sonea didn't meet with Cery once in this whole book which felt like a betrayal to both characters. These characters are why the original novels are so popular and I would recommend she leans on them more in future.
This is probably the most ranty 4 star review I will ever write!
Unfortunately the four stars I gave to this novel are more of a representation of this loyalty than a reflection of the quality of the book.
The novel continued its predecessor's habit of focusing on the new batch of characters rather than our old favourites. Rothen for example doesn't appear in any meaningful capacity until the final quarter of the novel. My favourite character Dannyl is heavily featured but just like in the last book, he contributes very little value. We spend a lot of time focusing on Lorkin and Lila's relationships but I found it very hard to care about either character ( especially Lorkin who has no real personality).
The plot is meandering which is fine for me, as I enjoy spending time with these characters, but I imagine many other readers would be bored.
Over 6 books Trudi Canavan has crafted a very intriguing world, but I sadly feel she could do more with it. I would happily read another 6 books in this world with these characters, but I would urge Canavan to lower the scale. Separating her characters geographically for the entire trilogy negatively impacted the novels Give us more Rothen/ Sonea/ Dannyl interactions. Sonea didn't meet with Cery once in this whole book which felt like a betrayal to both characters. These characters are why the original novels are so popular and I would recommend she leans on them more in future.
This is probably the most ranty 4 star review I will ever write!
fantastiskfiktion's review against another edition
kait_lost_in_books's review
It has been literally years since I started this trilogy and I only gave up because the hardback copy we have is really heavy! It was worth the wait.
Lorkin is with The Traitors, a rebel group fighting for an end to slavery and the installation of their matriarchal society in place of the Ruling Sachakan elite. His mother, Black Magician Sonea is on her way to The Traitors to negotiate the terms of a treaty with the allied lands.
Meanwhile back at home in Kyralia, Black Magician Sonea’s oldest friends from her childhood in the slums team up with her magician mentor and her new novice to catch the thief killer and the self-proclaimed ‘prince of the slums.’
Lorkin is with The Traitors, a rebel group fighting for an end to slavery and the installation of their matriarchal society in place of the Ruling Sachakan elite. His mother, Black Magician Sonea is on her way to The Traitors to negotiate the terms of a treaty with the allied lands.
Meanwhile back at home in Kyralia, Black Magician Sonea’s oldest friends from her childhood in the slums team up with her magician mentor and her new novice to catch the thief killer and the self-proclaimed ‘prince of the slums.’