
Charlie and Pearl by Tammy Robinson

calturner's review

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Charlie and Pearl is a quick read that has a writing style with a lovely flow to it that makes it very difficult to put down. I can't say too much without giving something away, so I'll keep this review short and to the point.

It's a beautifully written love story that gently flows along for the first half of the book, but then takes a couple of unexpected turns that culminate in an ending that will take your breath away.

This is a book that will most likely divide opinion. Some people will love the ending, while others (and I am one of them) will understand it but not like it.

A beautifully written love story that will tug at your heartstrings and will definitely give you food for thought. Tammy Robinson is a new author to me, but one I will look out for in the future. Her writing style is beautiful.

A tearjerking 4 stars.

nannyf's review

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Pearl is running from bad memories, trying to escape and find solace in her own company.

Charlie is a slightly overweight young man who takes an instant shine to Pearl, but isn't sure about taking things further. After all, what would she see in him?

This isn't your boy meets girl and falls madly in love story. This is more boy and girl meet, bump into each other a few times and find something special in each other.

It is a slow burning romance from dual POV's, something whichever works really well in this story.

I honestly thought I had it figured out, why Pearl was running from her memories. But nothing prepared me for the truth when it finally came out.

From then on this becomes something else, something more, something special. We learn that dreams CAN come true, even for just a short time.

The ending! Wow, what I can I say about the ending. I honestly think it is the only ending to this story, to Charlie and Pearl's story, that there could be. It wraps things up, not neatly, but it wraps them up nevertheless.

This author has talent, she has proved that with this and her other stories. I for one cannot wait to see what follows.

janelle66's review

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Heartbreaking. I didn't see the twists coming but knew they were there. I cried.
Some editing issues too but I managed to look past them.

jst1morechapter's review

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I downloaded this book four months ago when it was free on my kindle... and as was the case here, I usually read the synopsis before downloading then don't bother to refresh my memory before I read it because, ya know, I wouldn't have downloaded it if I didn't think I'd like it would I?...

So I'm reading away and thinking 'aww this is gonna be a really sweet young-adult romance', the writing is very real and I'm enjoying the whole not-love-at-first-site thing it has going on, it's not the usual 'sexy billionaire with hot bod meets beautiful virgin who has brains as well as the best boobs in town' kinda story... and then wham, I'm hit with the realisation that, ya know, this book is not gonna have the HEA I'm rooting for... I mean, how many times do I have to do this before I 'get' that I need to read the blurb and maybe a few none-spoiler reviews before opening up the book... gaahhh!

The story was pretty unconventional and there are two quotes that sum it up perfectly:

"With Charlie, the love snuck up on me. It's a comforting love, a familiar, soothing love."
"My love with Charlie is real love. It is argumentative, non sugar-coated, fart in front of each other love."

.....Aaaah the feels <3

So the story was really good and I loved the way it was written... but oh my goodness that ending... I hate it!!!... it's just so sad and so... final! ugh! *dramatically flings herself across the couch*

I cried a lot at the end of this book... it's not glamorous, it's real and raw and I wasn't prepared for it... It's also charming and funny and I smiled a lot too... I'd definitely read some more from Tammy... I just hope the endings are more agreeable! :)

sarahs_bookish_life's review against another edition

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What a lovely book. I loved the little twist at the end just made it even better. Would recommend having some tissues to hand near the end though.

matildai's review

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It's not often a book leaves me speechless, it that's what Charlie and pearl did.

It's an unconventional love story. One day, the fault in out stars and Romeo and Juliet combined

Tragically beautiful.

booklady72's review

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Wow!! A very quick easy read. A beautifully written love story. This was also my first read of this author, I'm looking forward to reading more!

nolo77's review against another edition

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I loved this book. It was a simple and poignant love story.

shelly_book_lover's review against another edition

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Charlie and Pearl by Tammy Robinson kicked my backside. Don't misunderstand the "kicking my backside" comment, this is a wonderfully crafted book. The plot and characters are well developed, the writing flows, the reader is gently pulled in and before they know it hooked. For me, the ending was brilliant.

Here's the thing, had I a clue of Pearl's two secrets I would have skipped reading it. The reading of this cuts too close and too soon to family reality. It's a tricky thing for a writer, you don't want to give Pearl's secret away in the back cover description, at the same time I wish I had known...which would completely ruin the read for readers. Such a conundrum!!

Tammy Robinson is a wonderful writer and I look forward to her other books.

louiseog's review against another edition

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Not sure I should have read the end at son's swimming lesson :(