
Superior Iron Man, Volume 1: Infamous by Tom Taylor

timeladyxi63's review

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I enjoyed evil iron man.

jwlahn's review

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Fun seeing Tony being such a jerk. Curious to see where this story goes.

duskvstweak's review

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Iron Man is evil now! But it's so much fun and there's Daredevil and She-Hulk and a new armor and maybe an old armor and a Teen Abomination and a silly app that makes people beautiful!
I liked it.

quintenbest's review

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adventurous fast-paced


A pretty fun comic that probably doesn't feel like most ironman. The idea is only good for a short but though. 

crookedtreehouse's review

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I'm reading this as part of my Daredevil run, as Daredevil is a huge part of the Superior Iron Man story.

Axis, one of the worst conceived and worst executed crossover events in Marvel history, which is, in its own way, an impressive feat, had every villain becoming a hero, and every hero becoming a villain. Mercifully, it was over quickly before anything interesting like character development or an intriguing premise could take place. With one exception.

Somehow, Tony Stark was able to stay evil, and he moved out to San Francisco just like Daredevil and just like the X-Men. Evil Tony makes evil electronics and an evil virus to control people. Daredevil eventually figures it out, and this story is Daredevil vs Iron Man for the first 3/4 of the book. It's a fun romp, though Taylor makes it so that the story doesn't factor into Waid's run on Daredevil, which was taking place at the same time.

While I did think this was a fascinating little aside in the Daredevil in SF story, and I do love much of Tom Taylor's work, I wasn't interested enough to keep reading the title since Daredevi doesn't make a return appearance.

kristiemjm's review

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A friend recommended this to me, and I'm glad she did. This shows a whole new side of Stark that I feel could be lying just underneath the surface of the superhero we've come to known and love.

sean_from_ohio's review against another edition

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Tom Taylor breathes life into a series that had been struggling and a cross-over that was weak. Here, he pushes Tony towards the dark side after the affects of AXIS. Tony would make an amazing villain given his personality and skillset and we see a lot of that potential here. Daredevil being in San Francisco and having issues with Iron Man was great to see. The art by Cinar was beautiful. Overall, a really good first volume that probably doesn't have a long shelf life.

clarissacardona's review

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Maybe if I had read more of Axis I'd enjoy this more. Right now it just feels like Tony is simply being a dick for the sake of being a dick but as I get further into this, it seems like there is more to the story. I mean extremis 3.0 doesn't just make you better looking but it cures you of other ailments too! It gave Matt back his sight!

Teen Abomination (sorry Tony) is growing on me a bit. It's nice to see that even evil Tony is willing to help him out a bit. The series at this time is just eh but my friend, Chelsea, was right: it's so pretty to look at!!

erutledge's review

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A very interesting story. It's Tony's normal ego, but without any remorse. Feels almost like a what if story.

jonwesleyhuff's review

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I wasn't sure how I'd feel about this. They've been painting Tony as a villain in the Marvel Universe for a while now, and as an Iron Man fan it can get a bit tiring. But this time, he really IS a villain, and it's a stark (sorry) contrast to the regular Tony. Which I think puts our regular Tony in a better light... and is also pretty fun while we're at it. This is, really, a villain book and obviously nowhere near a permanent state. So enjoy the ride.