
Pimeän piiri by L.J. Smith

elsadiaz's review against another edition

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  • Plot- or character-driven? A mix
  • Strong character development? It's complicated
  • Loveable characters? Yes


allybuck's review against another edition

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This was a great series and I loved the way it ended!

erin_lawless's review against another edition

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Continuing the speedy re-read! Never much liked this one.

categ_reads's review against another edition

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The writing was a bit better in this one.

cande555's review against another edition

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Leído en 2018

rhwright16's review against another edition

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Totally not what I expected after the other 3 books. I really liked the ending.

loud_as_hope's review against another edition

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dark mysterious fast-paced


fr33ms005's review against another edition

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  • Plot- or character-driven? A mix


diamondfox's review against another edition

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Tekintsünk el attól, hogy megint ilyen gyász a borító.

Inkább nézzük azt, hogy mennyire de mennyire idegesítő Bonnie? Komolyan! Utáltam a sorozatban is. De itt komolyan mondom, még rosszabb! A sorozatban a végére elég komoly karakterfejlődésen esik keresztül itt mindössze annyit tett, hogy „nem sikítozott, hogy giliszták vannak a földben”.
Ez most komoly?!

De legalább a többi részével maximálisan elégedett vagyok. Az előző kötetben arra utalt Katherine, hogy megölte Klaust, aki teremtette, de reméltem, hogy csak bolond volt. A sorozatbeli Klaus lett a szerelmem és nagyon örültem, hogy itt ismét visszatért és keveri a sz*rt erősen! Mondjuk eléggé gusztustalan módon csinálta az egészet és nem is nagyon fedte fel magát, csak a végén – viszont akkor volt minden, amit csak akarunk.
Tyler itt is egy igazi paraszt, tenyérbemászó figura és nagyon jól átvették a sorozatra, amiért plusz pont. Itt ugyan jóval vérfarkasosabb volt az átalakulása, de ennyi belefér. A végén nyilván nem bírt magával, de a vége… a vége jó is lehetett volna.
(; ̄Д ̄) just why?

Tény, hogy Elena nélkül semmiről nem szólna ez a történet, mert a többiek kukába valók, semmit sem csinálnak. De azért… erős túlzásnak érzem, hogy visszahozták az égiek. De hát mégis csak vámpír lett! Na, semmi gond, ahogy olvastam a következő részben Damon előveszi a sármosabb énét és lesz nemulass! :3

geo_ix's review against another edition

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So basically these first two books are very, very loosely what they used for the first two seasons of TVD, there are major scenes in here that are sort of similar. There were a few scenes throughout all 4 books that I definitely remember watching in the show, but overall it’s very much picked apart and used bits and pieces.
Spoilerobviously, Elena isn’t dead in the show, the place where she ends up in the book reminds me of where Damon and Bonnie get trapped many seasons later. The only Original mentioned here was Klaus, and I liked him as a villain, but definitely wanted more.
I prefer those parts of the show because it was much much longer and filled in a lot more plot holes and could flesh things out a bit more.

Honestly, the show’s better than these just in terms of characters and plot lines, but these are super easy to read and I don’t think they’re completely awful. I really enjoyed these last two and I’m unsure if it’s because I’d already read the first two (I’m not a rereader unless it’s been many years like these were) but overall I’d give the series a 3.5 stars. Still confused about the ending and HOW/WHY that happened, but I’m planning on continuing with the spin offs and ignoring reviews to give them a try.

Also these don’t really put teens in a nice light, all the women are catty, selfish drama queens and all the guys are losers most of the time. Bonnie grew on me by the end of this one but even she was more interested in boys than anything going on. Elena is something else, she’s not a great person when it comes to other people and not involving herself. She’s super dramatic and demanding and her friends... like that... about her? Legit LIKE that she’s a ‘queen B’ and bosses everyone around and is super popular (cannot believe how much popularity was mentioned, E nearly had a breakdown when the school wasn’t licking her shoes anymore, and wanted to fight for top dog again). Caroline sucks, Matt was ok, Stefan was a whiney man baby or the complete opposite and Damon eventually grew on me. I liked Meredith at times but she was an odd character at times, she felt like a character to fix plot holes honestly, for a best friend she doesn’t have much going for her and doesn’t grow as a character at all. Maybe it’s because we get Bonnies perspective in this last one and not hers? OH and that Alaric shit? WHAAAAT? Illegal. They put him in as a teacher and he invited kids TO HIS HOUSE.... TWICE for a... party? And then he flirts with Meredith & they end up together but he leaves for Europe until she’s 18 & we don’t hear anything else about it at all. That shit was WILD.

Tyler was also a wank in this & I never liked him in the show either but he’s a rapist and 100% creep constantly and honestly, wish he didn’t exist. Or wasn’t a 2D bad guy (like Klaus seemed here, AND Katherine) I just prefer a more fleshed out bad guy with REASONS, not all bad guys have to be psychopaths that do things just cos ‘evil’. I think baddies are way more sinister if they have fleshed out backstories and motives/emotions etc