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stinajohanns's review against another edition
This book really kept me going the whole time. I listened to it on audiobook and I kept finding reasons to go for a walk or do the dishes so I could keep listen (I do not listen to audiobook while relaxing - my rule is that I have to be doing something physical at the same time). The characters are a mixed bag, some likeable, some not so much but it will be interesting to see where the author takes this. I didn't realise that this was supposed to be a trilogy and so I found the ending lacking somewhat - no all ends tied - but now I understand why. I guess I'll get more information in the next book. Look forward to doing that.
ramblingoutloud's review against another edition
Som en som inte läser deckare på regelbunden basis, fann jag denna spännande och att den höll mig på tårna genom hela boken. Stundtals var den brutal och hemsk, men något fick mig att ändå fortsätta läsa. Jag kommer garanterat ge bok nummer två en chans, också, då jag är nyfiken på vart författaren tar Jana. Hur mycket är hon villig att göra för att hålla denna hemlighet?
/ Denise
/ Denise
meloches's review against another edition
For my full review visit my blog Clues and Reviews
This is the first piece of Nordic crime that I have ever read and I was impressed! The novel mimics a police procedural novel but it’s very unique in the sense that it switches gears during the second half of the novel. It's for sure worth the read!
This is the first piece of Nordic crime that I have ever read and I was impressed! The novel mimics a police procedural novel but it’s very unique in the sense that it switches gears during the second half of the novel. It's for sure worth the read!
romel's review against another edition
It was an exciting read, but disturbing. Probably won't read the sequel.
juniperusxx's review against another edition
Jana Berzelius -sarjan avausosalta osasin odottaa hyvää, varsin mainio dekkari tämä sitten olikin. Jännitys kantoi loppuun saakka, vaikka lukija tiesikin kaiken aikaa enemmän kuin tutkivat poliisit. Olisin ehkä ihastunut epätavalliseen murha-asetelmaan vielä enemmän, jos en olisi lukenut Rognebyn Leona-sarjaa, tämän dekkarin syyttäjänä työskentelevä päähenkilö muistutti hieman häiritsevässäkin määrin Leonaa. Sarjan seuraavat suomennetut osat pääsivät oitis toivelistalle.
pencil_case's review against another edition
I really liked the first and second act of the book, but I kind of dropped out at the third act, because I started to lose interest as to where the plot was going. I'll reread, because I do want to understand the end.
Hendrik and Mia :)
Hendrik and Mia :)