
on the Shortness of Life by Lucius Annaeus Seneca, Lucius Annaeus Seneca

kowariii's review against another edition

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reflective fast-paced


wandasingela's review against another edition

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A collection of essays? Perhaps letters.
It doesn't matter what this is, I am just grateful for the chance to have been able to read it. Seneca rose me from my "slumber" and made me realise that times are fleeting, and I need to live now. He then comforted me as I unearthed things I didn't realise still bothered me. Then spoke to me about my mind, and life in general... the importance of resting, and to working towards a goal.

jerryx29's review against another edition

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Uhh yeah, I don't know how to rate this.
Challenging read, which is good every now and then. Plenty of poignant metaphors and thought-provoking ideas. But also, sometimes Seneca writes such confusing things and goes off on these trains of thoughts that have nothing to do with the actual topic. Most annoyingly though, many things just did not make any sense to me and were even contradictory sometimes.

Maybe just reading it once, and as a young person with relatively limited experience, is just not enough to really get it.

godsgayearth's review against another edition

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reading this a year into a pandemic seems designed to touch on raw nerves and exacerbate the feeling of youth passing one by, but in fact it's quite the opposite. it vindicates me in a way, that I don't think i would spend the past year any differently. sure, i miss the ability to go anywhere i wanted with little fear of getting sick, but the core aspects of my self, my reading, my art, remain unchanged. ever present, regardless of the pandemic or not.

what left me emotional in reading this text is Seneca's passage on the provenance and genealogy of wisdom. there is nothing quite like being touched by all those that came before me:

Of all people, they alone who give their time to philosophy are at leisure, they alone really live. For it's not just their own lifetime that they watch over carefully, but they annex every age to their own; all the years that have gone before are added to their own. Unless we prove most ungrateful, those most distinguished founders of hallowed thoughts came into being for us, and for us they prepared a way of living. We are led by the work of others into the presence of the most beautiful treasures, which have been pulled from darkness and brought to light. From no age are we barred, we have access to all; and if we want to transcend the narrow limitations of human weakness by our expansiveness of mind, there is a great span of time for us to range over. We can debate with Socrates, entertain doubt with Carneades, be at peace with Epicurus, overcome human nature with the Stoics, and go beyond it with the Cynics. Since nature allows us shared possession of any age, why not turn from this short and fleeting passage of time and give ourselves over completely to the past, which is measureless and eternal and shared with our betters?

river_reeds111's review against another edition

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hopeful inspiring reflective medium-paced


vintageontap's review against another edition

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challenging informative reflective slow-paced


borjampm's review against another edition

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challenging inspiring reflective fast-paced


alexmonegro's review against another edition

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Reading the basis of certain ideas can many times add context for how they developed, and what a deeper meaning for them might be. This piece of work from Seneca lays down the groundwork for many great ideas that have driven whole new philosophies into existence, and added strength to the Stoic tradition.

I gave this book three stars however because while it lays groundwork, more recent authors have done a much better job at broadening and deepening many of the important themes that are touched upon in this book. In comparison, this piece of work feels a bit shallow.

shindlershylock999's review against another edition

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challenging informative reflective slow-paced


lostinastoryyyy's review against another edition

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challenging reflective medium-paced


this is my bible