robotcommander's review against another edition

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meh, underwhelming.

kimbersul's review against another edition

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Another great book by some of my favorites authors. Always enjoy their thought provoking scenarios and this compilation from their blog is enjoyable. Easy to read for a quick few minutes, bring up in conversation with family and friends for some lively discussion.

aaronberning's review against another edition

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Interesting and entertaining enough but it is just a collection of blog posts with minimal extras.

wbfreema's review against another edition

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An interesting format. Levitt and Dubner are hilarious. Though, despite their time spent at the poker table, they still seem to disregard the irrationality we're capable of. They seem to ignore the psychology preferring instead to rely on the math. economics and game theory systems rarely adhere to rational predictions. sometimes you have to play the man, not the numbers. thoroughly enjoyable read.

joanna_banana's review against another edition

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Entertaining and thought-provoking

In their usual style, Dubner and Levitt share bits of economist musings that were posted to their blog. I regularly listen to their podcast and read the original Freakonomics, soin a fan. The most touching post was a tribute to Levitt's sister who died of cancer--and his dad's lament about the medical system. The interview with an escort was the most unexpected. I enjoyed the chapter on climate change and trying to help the planet. Makes a strong case for veganism while debunking other things that may actually consume more less efficiently (e.g. The locovore, homebrew movement). Good, easy read.

margath's review against another edition

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Decent collection of quick, bite-sized essays that previously appeared on their blog. Quick enough from topic to topic to not drag.

cdeck's review against another edition

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Entertaining compilation of Freakanomics blog posts. Can be random, but always interesting factoids!

klptenn's review against another edition

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my least favorite. it is truly about 90% just blog post.

hut's review against another edition

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Had some good posts, but no where near as good as the og books. As well as some incredibly questionable ideas with nothing backing anything up

toffeetink's review against another edition

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funny informative inspiring lighthearted reflective medium-paced


I love these guys and the candid topics discussed in the book, I wish I would have read their old blog to have been involved then! Nevertheless, the economics stand true and it's entertaining, interesting, thought-provoking and certainly provides great topics to talk about with friends and family (if you want to go there!), I really enjoyed the book