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linz2783's review against another edition
Kristy Moseley is pretty good at making those eye rolling books and plots seem more plausible than they actually are haha
kat18's review against another edition
- Strong character development? Yes
- Loveable characters? Yes
- Diverse cast of characters? No
- Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes
eve_polvay11's review against another edition
Who are we kidding here? This was a wattpad book that the author decided to publish and it turned out like most other wattpad books: low in quality. I'm not one to stereotype especially when it comes to books, but I don't think anyone came here looking for a fantastic writing style or intricate plot. People have only read this because 1) they read the book on wattpad and they want to read it again so they buy the book or 2) they're looking for pure entertainment, not literary genius.
I'm not saying there's anything wrong with these two things, hey, I'm in the former camp, but I think it's important to recognize this book for what it is. If this book didn't have such a following on wattpad (where the standards of a good story are much lower) a publishing company would have never taken on this book. It's filled with unoriginality, overused tropes, and a whole bunch of deja vu moments because we've seen this all before.
That being said, the romance was at times addicting and I thought that Anna's struggles, if not creative, were interesting to see unfold. I'd reccomend this book to anyone that's looking for an easy, romantic read.
I'm not saying there's anything wrong with these two things, hey, I'm in the former camp, but I think it's important to recognize this book for what it is. If this book didn't have such a following on wattpad (where the standards of a good story are much lower) a publishing company would have never taken on this book. It's filled with unoriginality, overused tropes, and a whole bunch of deja vu moments because we've seen this all before.
That being said, the romance was at times addicting and I thought that Anna's struggles, if not creative, were interesting to see unfold. I'd reccomend this book to anyone that's looking for an easy, romantic read.
triciab04's review against another edition
2.25 Stars
Nothing to lose....but a few hours of your life trying to get to the good parts. Just kidding, kinda. There was a good story here, it just got buried under a lot of filer angst and some pretty disturbing codependency issues. It bummed me out.
Anna was a broken girl, she witnessed the boy she loved being murdered and then was kidnapped, raped and horrifically abused by his murderer.....for months. It was a heart wrenching story, and I could truly understand why Anna was as tortured as she was when she finally returned home. There were some things I really liked about her, she was a very strong person, thoughtful, and even funny at times. She just had so many troubling issues, and I really would have liked to see hear really healing from these rather than just substituting some of them for an unhealthy relationship.
Ashton. Yeah, I don't even know what to say about him, I guess I'll start with a few positives. He could be very sweet to Anna a lot of the time, he was very brave, was pretty much the most talented SWAT guy out there, and he was supposed to be ridiculously gorgeous. He really could be such a nice guy, but man oh man I had some really big things that bothered me about him. Really about both him and Anna both in general.
Anna and Ashton both had some major codependency issues and I'm sorry but that is not what a healthy love looks like. It worries me that this is what some people consider being in love, that you can't even sleep, eat, or lead a normal existence whatsoever because you're not around the other person. I did kind of understand where some of it was coming from after what Anna had gone through, but it seems a shame to put all of her healing and reason for getting better onto someone else rather than that being something she accomplished for herself. Ashton was no better. He was almost as dependent on Anna as she was on him. I also found it a extremely distasteful that after practically just meeting Anna and knowing all that she had been through and her extreme aversion to being touched by anyone, he literally trapped her on her bed holding her down and rested on top of her, telling her "I won't hurt you, I promise. Trust me.". What the hell kind of asshole does that?? I'm not even kidding, that boiled my blood reading that.
Now I just have to point out a couple other things that baffled me in this story. Ultimately no one but him could protect Anna, not even trained Secret Service agents. In fact said Secret Service agents were basically so poorly trained and incompetent that even Anna herself, that had a taken some self defense and karate classes for awhile, could take them down. At one point when she was sparing with one the agents, after she had bested him a few times he made the comment "Er, I don't know that shit, I know how to street fight." What the hell kind of Secret Service agent only knows how to street fight? That's absurd and I'm sure very insulting to those actually HIGHLY TRAINED men and women in that department. Also, how was Anna's past so well hidden from everyone, including the press?? Especially when they were in the public eye to the extreme once Anna's dad's career skyrocketed. Let's be real, her story would have been known to all at the very beginning. The way our media operates, they can't resist a good horror story. Another thing is for Anna to even believe for one minute that all they had between them was because of his job was absurd. Pretending in the public that he's her boyfriend is a lot different between being intimate and getting hot and heavy behind closed doors. He wasn't there as a glorified prostitute.
I know it's sounding after all that like a lot of negative, but really like I said at the beginning, there was a good story at the core of this. I just wished it would have played out differently. I think probably the most important thing that could have made this book MUCH better for me, would have been if it wasn't so damn drawn out between Anna and Ashton. 200 pages of this could have been cut out and I think it would have improved it in my eyes. To have the back and forth between them carry out for that long was just agonizing at a certain point, and not in a way that could be paid off at the end. It was too excessive. I kept waiting and waiting for the inevitable show down with Carter to happen, and every time Ashton went away for a weekend or even an hour I was praying that would FINALLY be the time. Unfortunately the showdown didn't make an appearance until the bitter end, and I'm talking damn near the 90% mark. And it was over way too soon. It was disappointing to me, I knew it was coming eventually and I looked forward to it. I might have been happy with what we had got, if there hadn't bee 400 pages of Anna and Ashton's flip floppy romance in between. I really feel if that would have been condensed that would have easily taken this book into a higher 3 star rating for me. It's just such a bummer, because I really feel that this story line had incredible potential, but the execution was so sloppy that it ruined a lot of that for me. But I am clearly in the minority in my feelings on this, as this book has an average rating of over 4 stars on here. I'm glad that others found more enjoyment in this than I did, cause it just didn't work for me as well as it could have.
Nothing to lose....but a few hours of your life trying to get to the good parts. Just kidding, kinda. There was a good story here, it just got buried under a lot of filer angst and some pretty disturbing codependency issues. It bummed me out.
Anna was a broken girl, she witnessed the boy she loved being murdered and then was kidnapped, raped and horrifically abused by his murderer.....for months. It was a heart wrenching story, and I could truly understand why Anna was as tortured as she was when she finally returned home. There were some things I really liked about her, she was a very strong person, thoughtful, and even funny at times. She just had so many troubling issues, and I really would have liked to see hear really healing from these rather than just substituting some of them for an unhealthy relationship.
Ashton. Yeah, I don't even know what to say about him, I guess I'll start with a few positives. He could be very sweet to Anna a lot of the time, he was very brave, was pretty much the most talented SWAT guy out there, and he was supposed to be ridiculously gorgeous. He really could be such a nice guy, but man oh man I had some really big things that bothered me about him. Really about both him and Anna both in general.
Anna and Ashton both had some major codependency issues and I'm sorry but that is not what a healthy love looks like. It worries me that this is what some people consider being in love, that you can't even sleep, eat, or lead a normal existence whatsoever because you're not around the other person. I did kind of understand where some of it was coming from after what Anna had gone through, but it seems a shame to put all of her healing and reason for getting better onto someone else rather than that being something she accomplished for herself. Ashton was no better. He was almost as dependent on Anna as she was on him. I also found it a extremely distasteful that after practically just meeting Anna and knowing all that she had been through and her extreme aversion to being touched by anyone, he literally trapped her on her bed holding her down and rested on top of her, telling her "I won't hurt you, I promise. Trust me.". What the hell kind of asshole does that?? I'm not even kidding, that boiled my blood reading that.
Now I just have to point out a couple other things that baffled me in this story. Ultimately no one but him could protect Anna, not even trained Secret Service agents. In fact said Secret Service agents were basically so poorly trained and incompetent that even Anna herself, that had a taken some self defense and karate classes for awhile, could take them down. At one point when she was sparing with one the agents, after she had bested him a few times he made the comment "Er, I don't know that shit, I know how to street fight." What the hell kind of Secret Service agent only knows how to street fight? That's absurd and I'm sure very insulting to those actually HIGHLY TRAINED men and women in that department. Also, how was Anna's past so well hidden from everyone, including the press?? Especially when they were in the public eye to the extreme once Anna's dad's career skyrocketed. Let's be real, her story would have been known to all at the very beginning. The way our media operates, they can't resist a good horror story. Another thing is for Anna to even believe for one minute that all they had between them was because of his job was absurd. Pretending in the public that he's her boyfriend is a lot different between being intimate and getting hot and heavy behind closed doors. He wasn't there as a glorified prostitute.
I know it's sounding after all that like a lot of negative, but really like I said at the beginning, there was a good story at the core of this. I just wished it would have played out differently. I think probably the most important thing that could have made this book MUCH better for me, would have been if it wasn't so damn drawn out between Anna and Ashton. 200 pages of this could have been cut out and I think it would have improved it in my eyes. To have the back and forth between them carry out for that long was just agonizing at a certain point, and not in a way that could be paid off at the end. It was too excessive. I kept waiting and waiting for the inevitable show down with Carter to happen, and every time Ashton went away for a weekend or even an hour I was praying that would FINALLY be the time. Unfortunately the showdown didn't make an appearance until the bitter end, and I'm talking damn near the 90% mark. And it was over way too soon. It was disappointing to me, I knew it was coming eventually and I looked forward to it. I might have been happy with what we had got, if there hadn't bee 400 pages of Anna and Ashton's flip floppy romance in between. I really feel if that would have been condensed that would have easily taken this book into a higher 3 star rating for me. It's just such a bummer, because I really feel that this story line had incredible potential, but the execution was so sloppy that it ruined a lot of that for me. But I am clearly in the minority in my feelings on this, as this book has an average rating of over 4 stars on here. I'm glad that others found more enjoyment in this than I did, cause it just didn't work for me as well as it could have.
caitlind's review against another edition
This book was unbelievably terrible. I'm surprised I actually read the whole damn thing (which was wayyyy to long), but I'm not one to leave a book unfinished. The story was just incredibly cheesy and poorly written. Not to mention it was glaringly obvious that it was written by a British author. Though there's nothing wrong with that per se, the story takes place in the States so there's a disconnect between the setting and, the writing style and certain word choices. To keep this short, I think the biggest problem I had with this book was Anna's character. For all the trauma she suffered when she was 16, her personality switch after meeting Ashton was completely out of place and too unbelievable. The girl can't be whiny, anxious, and depressed one minute, then promiscuous and brazen the next. Her entire character just bugged me. The dialogue between characters was also juvenile and unsophisticated. I love a good romance, but the characters, writing style, and plot development kept me from appreciating it.
storyofmaryam's review against another edition
This book had such an interesting plot but it fell short.I felt that it was far too long! I was practically begging Carter to show up! ( who by the way was the most interesting character out of all of them, I really wish the had more scenes with him or more about him was explained.) I found most if the scenes boring, repetitive and just plain annoying! I just don't understand how Anna could deny the fact that Ashford was in love with her - even denying that they were a proper couple when they would make out and sleep together like every two seconds. I wish the fact that Anna blamed herself for Jack ' s death was more touched upon because she literally thinks that if she wore a shorter skirt none of his would have happened! No Anna you were a minor going to a club with your boyfriend and some creep takes it upon himself to harass you and kill your boyfriend- it was nothing to do with you. I wish their was a chapter were we could see Jack ' s pov or what happened that night. (even though it would be incredibly unrealistic since he was going to die but just to humour me.) 2 stars because it was good enough to keep me reading till the end.
aimee70807's review against another edition
Parts of this book really worked, but most of it was troubled.
First of all, it was far, far too long. I was really wrapped up in the first third of it, but the middle half got boring pretty fast. You know it's bad when you're not anxiously worrying that the bad guy's going to show up...you're hoping he'll hurry up and find your heroine so the plot will stop stagnating.
Second, the awful things that happened to our heroine before the book really starts were just too awful. It made it hard to be believe that, even three years later, she could get over all of her issues so quickly just for one special guy.
Finally, the language kept pulling me out of the story. I like British spellings, but seeing "tyre" and "humour" written by supposedly American characters threw me off. Then there were certain phrases that just sounded awkward to me (giving me more sympathy for my editor who hates my use of "over top of") but perhaps sound right in the author's native dialect.
All of that said, parts of the story worked. I liked the hero and would have liked to read more about his early life. And if you like smoldering, there's plenty of good smoldering here.
First of all, it was far, far too long. I was really wrapped up in the first third of it, but the middle half got boring pretty fast. You know it's bad when you're not anxiously worrying that the bad guy's going to show up...you're hoping he'll hurry up and find your heroine so the plot will stop stagnating.
Second, the awful things that happened to our heroine before the book really starts were just too awful. It made it hard to be believe that, even three years later, she could get over all of her issues so quickly just for one special guy.
Finally, the language kept pulling me out of the story. I like British spellings, but seeing "tyre" and "humour" written by supposedly American characters threw me off. Then there were certain phrases that just sounded awkward to me (giving me more sympathy for my editor who hates my use of "over top of") but perhaps sound right in the author's native dialect.
All of that said, parts of the story worked. I liked the hero and would have liked to read more about his early life. And if you like smoldering, there's plenty of good smoldering here.
bookgyrl's review against another edition
The premise of the book is interesting. Anna has been kidnapped by a criminal on her 16th birthday after he killed her boyfriend and it was months before she was freed. She is now almost 20 so it has been a couple of years.
The book was way too long and sometimes boring and the drama OTT. There were many unbelievable situations in the story. Anna is now the president's daughter but she can be taken so easily??? I liked the love story of Anna and Ash but it would have been more realistic had she been a normal girl. But then she would not have had a bodyguard...
The book was way too long and sometimes boring and the drama OTT. There were many unbelievable situations in the story. Anna is now the president's daughter but she can be taken so easily??? I liked the love story of Anna and Ash but it would have been more realistic had she been a normal girl. But then she would not have had a bodyguard...
thebookbitch's review against another edition
2.5 stars.
I kinda liked it, but also disliked it.
It all felt a little rushed to me, but still a cute, quick read.
I kinda liked it, but also disliked it.
It all felt a little rushed to me, but still a cute, quick read.
starlightbooktales's review against another edition
I will not lie and say it's the best book I have ever read, it's not. But I found this book on Wattpad and it was one of my favorites. Not because of the writing that's for sure. It was the fact that it simply made me laugh, and I mean that in a great way. It's super cliche and horrendously cheesy, but sometimes that's all you need.