nnahia's review against another edition

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Qué bien escribe este señor sobre el amor y desamor

deerseoks's review against another edition

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Sin duda esto reafirma que Pablo Neruda es mi poeta favorito...

thwhoai's review against another edition

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a very tender and sensual poetry collection

sihaame's review against another edition

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Beautiful and haunting. couldn't shake off the unsettled wistfulness that lingers on at the end of each poem

enochthepumpkin's review against another edition

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Illustrations were great as always, but I'd never read Neruda's poetry before, and it's really not for me.

aliciaozcz's review against another edition

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inspiring fast-paced


elinarindle's review against another edition

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Oh to be loved by a poet..

heliea's review against another edition

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I made some notes while reading this - and they mostly underline how fond of the word "twilight" Neruda is, how his metaphors are incredible, and the perfect length of the poems.
It is true that the "love" poems, although tainted with hope, seem to be more of heartbreak than anything else - twilight in poems is never a good thing, since it's the sad part of the day, the ending - but then you get to the end and THAT is heartbreak, ladies and gentlemen. The "song of dispair" is definitely that, depressing and an incredible depiction of love sickness.
He is a genius, and I never realised how much I have missed reading Spanish poetry.

elmarcapaginasdemel's review against another edition

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Primer poemario de Pablo Neruda leído.

La verdad es que nunca había leído a Pablo Neruda consciente que estaba leyéndolo, así que esta lectura ha sido una primera vez con un autor muy conocido, un clásico.

"Veinte poemas de amor y una canción desesperada" presenta exactamente eso: 20 poemas y una canción.
De todos los poemas en los que evoca sus sentimientos el autor, probablemente aquellos que más me han cautivado han sido los que reflejan el dolor más sincero de un corazón abierto.
¿Dolor en poemas de amor? Por supuesto, como bien resume Pablo Neruda en este libro: 'Es tan corto el amor y tan largo el olvido'; no solo trata al amor como algo bello y que debe ser cuidado, también habla de él como un tesoro que da infinita felicidad fácilmente transformable en dolor perpétuo.

Y por eso puedo decir que, en mi opinión, Pablo Neruda habla honestamente sobre el amor, sus percances, cómo alguien lo vive.

Sin duda alguna "Veinte poemas de amor y una canción desesperada" es un libro corto recomendado a todos los amantes de la poesía y a cualquiera que desee abrirle la puerta a este género.

khoshekh7958's review against another edition

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Not sure how to rate this one... the poetry itself was good but throughout the book ran a frankly disturbing theme of glamorizing women's silence, stillness, and absence (as opposed to you know, agency and a voice). Also super overplayed descriptions of the male fantasy of a woman's body ("slender" and "white-hilled". Yawn.)