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crizzle's review
This was powerful! It was not only Anne Frank's diary, but her family history and her life before her diary, important events in European history, what happened in Otto's life after Anne and all the others died and the war ended, and how the diary came to be published and written into a play and movie... all in the form of a graphic novel. I loved it. I would recommend it to 5th graders on up, especially boys who are reluctant readers.
anhe's review against another edition
Ein wichtiges Buch, das einen ersten Einblick in Anne Franks Geschichte gibt. Die "Schlaglichter" sind hilfreich um die Ereignisse zeitlich einordnen zu können.
baklavopita's review
This is a fairly detailed accounted. I enjoyed reading it. I maybe learned some new things about her family.
library_dreamer's review
Graphic: Child death, Genocide, Racism, Violence, and Death of parent
frankiebuett's review
This graphic novel is the story of the Anne Frank novel.
This book is a graphic novel based on the diary of Anne Frank. The book includes scenes from most of Anne's diary. It has everything that the diary has but in graphic novel form, which can take the book to a whole new level. The book includes information on Anne's personality and how it was like living in the attic. It shows the struggles, that she faced in a very personal way. It also includes the different personalities of the people living in the attic such as: Anne's father, Anne's Mother and Anne's sister as well as, the different people living in the attic. The graphic novel is very similar to the original diary.
The illustrations are beautiful and very well done, the words are taken right out of the original book. The book has a lot of background history information on world war two and the holocaust. The book is a very chilling and interesting while also sad. I would recommend this book to anyone who has read the Anne Frank diary. Also people who are interested in reading any kind of graphic novel.
This book was a very short read, but very interesting.
I would highly recommend it.
This book is a graphic novel based on the diary of Anne Frank. The book includes scenes from most of Anne's diary. It has everything that the diary has but in graphic novel form, which can take the book to a whole new level. The book includes information on Anne's personality and how it was like living in the attic. It shows the struggles, that she faced in a very personal way. It also includes the different personalities of the people living in the attic such as: Anne's father, Anne's Mother and Anne's sister as well as, the different people living in the attic. The graphic novel is very similar to the original diary.
The illustrations are beautiful and very well done, the words are taken right out of the original book. The book has a lot of background history information on world war two and the holocaust. The book is a very chilling and interesting while also sad. I would recommend this book to anyone who has read the Anne Frank diary. Also people who are interested in reading any kind of graphic novel.
This book was a very short read, but very interesting.
I would highly recommend it.
jodi_g_52's review
Amazing summary of the Anne Frank story, from the start of the war until the time that her father publishes her diary.
lazy0718's review
I really enjoyed this graphic biography of Anne Frank and her family. The book covers more than just Anne Frank covers her family and friends as well. It also provides the context to Anne's life (Nazi rise to power, WW2 battles that the family followed, etc.) It's a great refresher of the history of the events surrounding Anne's life.
I really liked the graphic novel style of the biography. I believe this format is an excellent choice for history subjects like this. It could introduce these subjects to a wider audience.
I really liked the graphic novel style of the biography. I believe this format is an excellent choice for history subjects like this. It could introduce these subjects to a wider audience.
mandydekuiper's review
Moderate: Child abuse, Child death, Confinement, Death, Emotional abuse, Genocide, Physical abuse, Racism, Forced institutionalization, Antisemitism, and War
jajacz's review
Skvelé dielo či už po vizuálnej, či po obsahovej stránke. Samotný denník Anny Frankovej ma nebavil, ale v tejto podobe, kedy sa dozvedám aj veľa faktov z tohto obdobia, ma denník veľmi bavil a súcitím nielen s Annou, ale aj celou jej rodinou. Rozhodne zaradím na zoznam kníh/komiksov, ktoré chcem vo svojej knihovne.