colinlusk's review

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A very direct account of the story of Anne Frank, with historical asides that would I think be very useful for anyone learning about the subject, say for a school project.
There's another graphic novel that I've seen people reading which goes off into the realms of fantasy (dream sequences from the diary and so on) but this one is a much more conventional retelling of the story.

dianalrendina's review

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I love how this books gives contest to the story of Anne Frank. This is great for students studying the Holocaust, because it explains the circumstances of World War II while also showing the human side and cost.

klagge's review

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Second post-wedding graphic novel. My dad and stepmom got this for me at the "Anne Frank House" museum in Amsterdam. I did appreciate reading it, as somehow I have never read AF's diary, so I only knew the story in its broadest outline. But I thought this book fell short in that it didn't take advantage of any of the manifold possibilities of the graphic novel, in contrast to something like (to take an example covering similar subject matter) "Maus." This is a straightforward telling of the story, and the pictures perhaps would serve to make the story more interesting for kids, but in my view, didn't do anything to enhance the reading experience. Overall I think I would rather have read the diary itself!

emmareadstoomuch's review

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i go back and forth on graphic novels, as we all know, but this is among the best graphic novel adaptations i've ever read. strong art, compelling storytelling, and a firm grasp of the important stuff. i goof off a lot on this website but in truth it is great that we have this important work in a graphic novel format, so it's as accessible as it can be.

part of a series i'm doing in which i review books i read a long time ago

krystlocity's review

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Unfortunately, this was pretty dry. A fast way to get accurate information, so that's a plus. But the art wasn't really very integral/important to the text being conveyed, it was just there. Hardly anything required the vehicle/format of a graphic novel, it just felt like it was trying to be squeezed into the format. Decent information presented in a easy format, but that's about it.

michaelclorah's review

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Like all of Jacobson and Colon's biographical/journalistic comics, it's a bit dry, but lots of early-life details about her childhood before going into hiding. They give you a nice and fairly round portrait of Anne and her family - including the others who were in hiding with them. When you get to the end, it's a truly tragic feeling, very upsetting to witness no matter how much you know it's coming.

juliemowat's review

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Ben is reading this for class so I thought I would read it-I don't usually enjoy authorized biographies due to people authorizing often have an agenda on how they want the subjects to be viewed. I was worried about this in the beginning because of all the glowing stories about Otto and family. However-it quickly becomes engaging and informative on different aspects of their lives. I liked how they placed history frames throughout. Very clear and well illustrated/written

daphnia23's review against another edition

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Графічний роман (сірєчь - мальопис) від видавництва, від якого найменш всього очікуєш саме такого форми книг - від "Дух та Літера".

"Графічна біографія Анни Франк", не плутати із "Щоденником Анни Франк", який, звісно, став основою для мальопису, але геть йому не дорівнює.

Повноцінна біографія маленької людини, якій так і не дали вирости і бути щасливою. Як і мільйонам інших людей, яких примхою одного тирана прирівняли до туберкульозної палички...

"Біографія Анни Франк" розповідає історію всієї її родини - від знайомства її батьків, через спочатку щасливе життя, через наростання антисемітизму та розгул фашизму, крізь війну, страх, біль, концтабори, зруйновані життя й долі і аж до смерті її батька у серпні 1980 року. Єдиний з восьми осіб, які переховувалися у сховку, хто вижив і доніс світу щоденник Анни, пам'ять про неї.

У книзі також міститься кілька сторінок хронології подій з історії, які вмістилися у ці роки; фотокартки, копії документів та листів.

Автори мальопису Сід Джейкобсон та Ерні Колон створили надзвичайно яскраву історію надзвичайно страшного часу. До речі, обидва присвятили автори присвятили цю роботу своїм дітям, яких, як каже Сід, могла б спіткати та сама доля, що і Анну та її сестру Марґот, якби їм не пощастило народитися у ті самі часи.

Я й досі не знаю, нащо людям супергеройські комікси, коли є ось такі "соціалочкі".

І єдина моя претензія до книги - це вкрай невдало обраний формат. І я навіть згодна була б на м'яку обкладинку, але ж розмір!! Бульбашки із текстом виявилися настільки, гм, заощадливими щодо простору, що прочитати текст у деяких ставало справжнім викликом для очей.

4 з 5 ⭐️ гудрідзу саме з-за отого мурашиного тексту і стронглі рекомендед до колекції усім, хто цікавиться темою Голокосту.

emy102's review against another edition

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emotional hopeful informative inspiring reflective tense fast-paced


erinthelibrarian's review

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This is an excellent supplementary bio for people reading Anne's diary to also read. The illustrations work well to place the history and context of what was happening. Also it's impossible to escape the horror of what happened with illustrations to accompany the timeline. An important addition to the Anne Frank cannon.