
The Care & Keeping of You: The Body Book for Girls by Valorie Schaefer

sunnyisreading's review

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My mom gave me this when I was 10 and glued all the pages about periods, vaginas, and breasts together so I couldn’t read/look at them (idk why?? Did she think I’d become queer? Sorry mom lmao I did). Any way this book probably taught me more about my body than anyone else at the time

amelia_8's review

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omg memories
i got the translated version of this book when i was like 10 & it helped me a lot in my early teenage years. i used to bring it to school and make my friends read it too

nicolepeck's review

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This is a very straight-forward, yet simply put book for young girls. I haven't read it yet with my daughter as I wanted to read it first before I talked with her, but I liked how it puts it on her level and simply, not in a manner that will scare or overwhelm her, I don't think. I'm using this as a tool to help me explain to her "growing up" and all that entails. From my perspective, I think it will be a great tool and stepping stone to get us started on that first discussion and many more that I'm sure will follow.

brigittegong's review

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Well, yes, I did read this. It was actually pretty good, but I won't go into too much detail or might be kinda awkward...

teamoxfordcomma's review

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funny informative reflective


Did I purchase a copy of this from eBay just because I thought of that page – you know the one – and wanted to go through it to see how much of it, as someone who's gone through the puberty wringer, held up? Perhaps. ;)

iymain's review

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This is a great book for girls to read that answers questions they might have about puberty in a reassuring, factual and straight-forward way. I appreciated how the book emphasizes the differences in each girl's experience, and each girl's body. Alternatives are offered (pad v. tampon, shave or not to shave?) with no bias and with enough information to help a girl feel confident in figuring out which option works for her.

The writing is simple, but the tone is not condescending. Information is presented in short blasts, and it almost reads like a magazine. Different fonts and colors help to perk up the information and keep the layouts engaging.

The illustrations are excellent and continue the theme that all girls are different, but share a feeling of anxiety, confusion, excitement about the changes all of them will experience. I have absolutely no problem with the illustrations of a girl inserting a tampon. That's a heck of a concept without pictures so the illustrations are there strictly for information. Also, the illustrations bolster the basic idea of this book which is that it's your body, something to care for and know about; it's not something to be afraid or ashamed of.

The short letters asking for advice are a great way to include a personal touch in the book while addressing issues that the readers may encounter. I definitely recommend this one as a starting point for girls to get to know their bodies.

lamisosoup's review

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kta's review

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This was a good resource for my daughter. I'm glad we were able to read and discuss it together.

adagee's review

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