
Supernatural Horror in Literature by H.P. Lovecraft

hazamelis's review against another edition

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challenging inspiring mysterious reflective fast-paced


voglesby's review against another edition

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challenging dark informative slow-paced


fabioescudero's review against another edition

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Lo bueno de este libro es que si a uno le gusta el género del horror nos quedamos con un catálogo de escritores para acercarnos en algún momento. Todo esto visto bajo la lupa de el genial escritor de Providence.
Me decepcionó un poco porque esperaba un ensayo sobre el horror en general, las motivaciones de los escritores de cada época, la evolución de los miedos de la sociedad a través del tiempo y del género en sí, pero más que eso el libro trata de autores y de críticas a sus libros. Otro cuidado que hay que tener al leerlo es que algunos libros Lovecraft los comenta incluso hasta el final, lo que malogra una lectura posterior de los mismos.

flashgbc's review against another edition

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One of the best essays written on the horror genre; worth studying!

rokkugoh's review against another edition

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This is a 28,000 word essay about the historical development and achievements of horror fiction in the 1920s and 30s.  I learned about a lot of authors I wouldn't have heard of, including: Arthur Machen, Ambrose Bierce, Algernon Blackwood, Nathaniel Hawthorne.

immovable1062's review against another edition

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If you are a fan of Lovecraft this is a must.

Great literature is certainly mentioned and critiqued here and this is helpful.

What puts the work over the top is that Lovecraft tells us how he put together many of his tales. If we are inclined, we could use these guidelines to make our own stories and worlds.

uvejota's review against another edition

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Un repaso por la historia de la literatura de terror con especial énfasis en los siglos XVII y hasta principio del XX, desde el punto de vista de uno de los maestros del horror cósmico. Ha resultado fascinante conocer su visión sobre la obra de Poe, de Wilde y de Bram Stoker, entre muchos otros. Lovecraft no era un lector sencillo, ni complaciente.

rmreads's review against another edition

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informative medium-paced


spookylindsey's review against another edition

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book_busy's review against another edition

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informative reflective slow-paced


As someone reading this for research I found the majority of it not useful as it was just a huge catalogue of summary and passing comments on major gothic works in a rather cyclical format. However, the tail ends of this essay were useful for informing me as to Lovecraft's opinions on weird literature and the theme of fear, especially that of the unknown. A key quote I think I might keep in mind for later use is from the intro of this text: 'the oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown.'