
Mr. Tod's Trap by Frederick Warne

imjustcupcake's review

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Do you remember Peter Rabbit from when you were little? Well he is still around and has some new stories! Mr. Tod's Trap is one of those!

This story is about Peter Rabbit and a couple of his friends. They find some radishes, but they figure it must be a trap set by Mr. Tod! They try to avoid it, but the call of the radishes is too strong. One of the friends actually get caught in the trap! The friends must then work together before Mr. Tod can get a hold of them and eat them for dinner!

This book isn't technically a picture book. It is one of those 4 x 4 square books. However, it would still be great for a storytime or for a beginning reader.

I wasn't a huge fan of the illustrations. They are computer graphic animation style. That is just my personal preference though.

This review is based on a copy provided by the publisher in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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