
Biblia Sat�nica by Anton Szandor LaVey, Giantu777

lost_fairy222's review against another edition

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it feels weird to rate a religious text

leganto's review against another edition

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dark mysterious


I've been wanting to read this for a while because, as a devout Christian, I believe it is important to understand the views of the opposition.

The Satanic Bible is divided into four sections based on what LaVey calls the four Princes of Hell; incidentally, they also align with the classical Greek elements. The sections run as follows.

(Fire) The Book of Satan: This section is a brief, r/atheism rant written in a parody of biblical chapter-and-verse format in which LaVey roleplays as Satan yelling at God (and religious man) for the role to which he has been relegated: that of the eternal "bad guy." This section is even complete with an inverted Sermon on the Mount in the fifth chapter (a clear reference to Matthew 5).

(Air) The Book of Lucifer (parenthetically, for some reason, LaVey seems to think Satan and Lucifer are different entities; not sure how he got confused on that one, but whatever): This section is a collection of short essays by LaVey in which he calls out supposed religious people for their hypocrisy. He accomplishes this by the creation and destruction of an entire army of strawmen and the making of wild truth claims without a single citation. Wikipedia gains credibility when compared to this part of the book. This section is called "Lucifer" because, as the "bringer of light," Lucifer is meant to enlighten people by sharing knowledge. The most "enlightenment" I got here was that LaVey observed a handful of Roman Catholics and emotion-driven evangelicals and based his whole view of Christianity on them and their behavior. His clear lack of understanding of the actual Gospel message--salvation by grace through faith as opposed to "earning" God's favor by being a "good boy" (Ephesians 2:8-9)--is overt here. There has to be some church hurt in his personal history based on the tone of this section.

(Earth) The Book of Belial: This section is a sort of introduction to Satanic magic. It must be pointed out that LaVey makes it clear here that Satanic magic (as practiced by this particular movement) is little more than the modern practice of manifesting (theistic Satanists need not apply). In LaVey's iteration of Satanism, one must simply focus on his/her goals and believe to achieve. LaVey acknowledges that these rituals are purely to add pomp and circumstance which effectively serve as motivations to the practitioners to accomplish their own goals. This section concludes with a simple how-to guide on the procedures, invocations, etc. of a ritual, complete with a description of the dress code for a ritual, how to use a woman as an altar, and the various artifacts and their uses!

(Water) The Book of Leviathan: This section was by far the strangest, and that is saying something! It contains a list of infernal names for invocation (alphabetized for the user's convenience) and nineteen Enochian keys--collections of esoteric-sounding gibberish conveniently translated into a parodic King James English which are basically rambling petitions for Satan's aid. These keys are prefaced by the theme/purpose of the given passage: some are for lust spells, others for destruction, and so on.

Thus abruptly concludes the Satanic Bible, whose last words are not "The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all. Amen," but "Open the mysteries of your creation, and make us partakers of the UNDEFILED WISDOM." The irony is palpable.

Final thoughts: As a student of God's Word, I have come to expect a certain level of quality and organization from a religious text; the Bible tends to spoil us Christians that way. Because of this inevitably high standard, I must say that LaVey's work falls flat, embarrassingly so. I am not entirely sure what I was expecting this book to be, but what I read felt like a combination of an edgy teenage atheist's diary, a fan-annotated Dungeon Master's Guide from the 1980s, and the infernal version of Bacon's Essays (and that final comparison does an unfortunate injustice to Sir Bacon, but it is the best that I can muster right now).

So the question is this: do I regret reading this? The answer: no. I'm glad that I now have firsthand knowledge of this text because I can comment on it critically, but from a place of experience rather than semi-ignorant hearsay. Now when these folks demand the freedom to build a statue of Satan in front of some government building or whatever other kind of poppycock they do to score an appearance on the news, I'll have better insight into what exactly is driving this kind of behavior.

Another question emerges: is this book a valuable read for a Christian? I would say that probably not all Christians need to read it, but I think a few do. In war (spiritual or otherwise), it is important to keep tabs on the enemy, but not every soldier in the Kingdom needs to be involved in recon.

And because you know I had to do it, let me end my review thus:

Hail Jesus! Christ is LORD! ✝ 

ophiuimre's review against another edition

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Despite agreeing with the author on multiple things, it is still not entirely clear to me how a Satanist differs from an atheist with a hedonistic worldview (slash Nietzsche fanatic). And what is even more unclear is how people who consider themselves to be communists can simultaneously be followers of a church that literally preaches such “Ayn Randian” things as “everything for the strong, nothing for the weak” or “all people are evil and selfish by nature (whatever it means)”. However, while the first half of the book seemed like common sense, the other one was filled with annoying ridicules, which did not make the reading any more enjoyable.

LaVey often contradicts himself: he said that all sexual practices that a person is drawn to, including homosexuality, are ok, but a few paragraphs later he says that patients in a mental hospital masturbate because they don’t have a partner of the opposite sex?? Overall, the book is literally riddled with, in my humble opinion, too much praise for the damn sex. If I need to have a view on leisure of an insatiably horny teenager in order to be part of the Church of Satan, I would rather be that hypocrite it curses

ribra's review against another edition

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informative reflective medium-paced


auriaurica's review against another edition

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This book is more a bible for con-artists than anything. I'm unsure how one could know Anton LaVey's history now and admire his work.

The book starts with ramblings reminiscent of 19th century German philosophy proselytizing the importance of belief in oneself. It reads to me as weak, self-centered, and the promotion of a practice that ends up being a net negative for society. I hold a lot of contempt for any philosophy which doesn't bring up humanity. Worship yourself as God and excise all negative infections of the weak around you from your life. This whole idea is harmful.

Although LaVey does recommend some things that I think many could learn from, like removing those who consistently use you from your life, most of his beliefs would be contentious with anyone who generally cares about absolutely anyone else.

The first half of the book was okay, and I viewed it as a different life philosophy. Where the book really jumps into the shitter is when LaVey becomes extremely contradictory. The symbol of Satan is ostensibly used merely as a symbol, he espouses. It's a metaphor. He states that this brand of Satanism isn't one based on spiritual belief. Why, then, are you performing seances and using naked women as "altars"? It's because he wanted these things. His obsession with becoming this dark aesthete creates a great number idiotic contrivances. The last 100 pages of the book is fluff—chants, rituals, and rules. It's absolutely ridiculous, and any of his criticisms of mainstream religion fall apart when you view the work as a whole.

I give it one Satanic naked lady altar out of five.

katerina42's review against another edition

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informative medium-paced


chronicspiders's review against another edition

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Published in 1969.
More accurate description of asexuality than any media I've seen recently.
5 stars.

captchaluff's review against another edition

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some good ideas in here, but i think therapy would have been cheaper than publishing this book.

artemisten's review against another edition

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Satanic Bible - LaVey, Anton Szandor



▪ In LaVey's view, the Devil was not that, but rather a dark, hidden force in nature responsible for the workings of earthly affairs, a force for which neither science nor religion had any explanation. LaVey's Satan is “the spirit of progress, the inspirer of all great movements that contribute to the development of civilization and the advancement of mankind. He is the spirit of revolt that leads to freedom, the embodiment of all heresies that liberate.”

▪ As LaVey pointed out, all other churches are based on worship of the spirit and denial of the flesh and the intellect. He saw the need for a church that would recapture man's mind and carnal desires as objects of celebration. Rational self-interest would be encouraged and a healthy ego championed.

▪ We've helped business, lifted up the economy, and some of the millions of dollars we have generated have in turn flowed into the Christian church. We have proved many times over the Ninth Satanic Statement that says the church - and countless individuals - cannot exist without the Devil.”

▪ It is based on the belief that human beings are inherently selfish, violent creatures, that life is a Darwinian struggle for survival of the fittest, that only the strong survive and the earth will be ruled by those who fight to win the ceaseless competition that exists in all jungles - including those of urbanized society. Abhor this brutal outlook if you will; it is based, as it has been for centuries, on real conditions that exist in the world we inhabit rather than the mystical lands of milk and honey depicted in the Christian Bible.


▪ No longer shall man's salvation be dependent on his self-denial.

▪ Blessed are the strong, for they shall possess the earth - Cursed are the weak, for they shall inherit the yoke!

▪ Cursed is he who doeth good unto others who sneer upon him in return, for he shall be despised!


▪ Do unto others as they do unto you


▪ They fill no useful purpose in our lives, and are neither love objects nor true friends.

▪ Their sins are not of commission, but of omission. It's what they don't say, not what they do say, that makes you feel you must account to them. They are much too crafty to make overt demands upon you, because they know you would resent it, and would have a tangible and legitimate reason for denying them.

A large percentage of these people have special “attributes” which make their dependence upon you more feasible and much more effective. Many psychic vampires are invalids (or pretend to be) or are “mentally or emotionally disturbed.” Others might feign ignorance or incompetence so you will, out of pity - or more often, exasperation - do things for them.

▪ The psychic vampire is allowed to exist because he cleverly chooses conscientious, responsible people for his victims - people with great dedication to their “moral obligations.”

▪ He must carefully evaluate the validity of the request and the personality or motives of the person asking it of him.

▪ It is extremely difficult for a person to learn to say “no” when all his life he has said “yes.” But unless he wants to be constantly taken advantage of, he must learn to say “no” when circumstances justify doing so. If you allow them, psychic vampires will gradually infiltrate your everyday life until you have no privacy left - and your constant feeling of concern for them will deplete you of all ambition.

▪ But he will hasten to add that you fulfill every requirement and are truly an outstanding exception among men - you are one of the very few worthy of his friendship.

▪ The only way to determine if you are being vampirized is to weigh what you give the person compared to what they give you in return.

▪ If your employer asks you to do a little more than is normally expected of you in your particular position, but will overlook occasional tardiness or will give you time off when you need it, you certainly have no cause for complaint and need not feel he is taking advantage of you.

▪ Many psychic vampires will give you material things for the express purpose of making you feel you owe them something in return, thereby binding you to them. The difference between your giving, and theirs, is that your return payment must come in a non-material form. They want you to feel obligated to them, and would be very disappointed and even resentful if you attempted to repay them with materal objects. In essence, you have “sold your soul” to them, and they'll constantly remind you of your duty to them, by not reminding you.


▪ majority of all illnesses are of a psychosomatic nature, and that psychosomatic illnesses are a direct result of frustration. It has been said that "the good die young". The good, by Christian standards, do die young. It is the frustration of our natural instincts which leads to the deterioration of our minds and bodies.


▪ What is wrong with being human, and having human limitations as well as assets?”

▪ The simple fact of the matter is that the very thing which has led this type of person to a faith which preaches abstinence, is indulgence. Their compulsive masochism is the reason for choosing a religion which not only advocates self-denial, but praises them for it; and gives them a sacrosanct avenue of expression for their masochistic needs

▪ The more abuse they can stand, the holier they become.

▪ The watchword of Satanism is INDULGENCE instead of “abstinence”... BUT - it is not “compulsion”.


▪ Man has become lazy. He has learned to take the easy way out.

▪ Life is the one great indulgence; death the one great abstinence.

▪ It is interesting to note that the areas in which this type of belief flourishes are those where material gains are not easily obtainable.

▪ The Eastern philosophies preach the dissolution of man's ego before he can produce sins. It is unfathomable to the Satanist to conceive of an ego which would willfully choose denial of itself.

In countries where this is used as a sop for the willingly impoverished, it is understandable that a philosophy which teaches the denial of the ego would serve a useful purpose - at least for those in power, to whom it would be detrimental if their people were discontented. But for anyone who has every opportunity for material gain, to choose this form of religious thought seems foolish, indeed!

xxdeelxx's review against another edition

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dark hopeful informative mysterious medium-paced
