
That's Betty!: The Story of Betty White by Gregory Bonsignore

idgey's review

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informative inspiring lighthearted medium-paced


missprint_'s review

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This isn't the worst framing story I've ever seen but I also think it's interesting that a story about Betty White being a female trailblazer starts by centering a boy planning school project with his two dads in that it completely de-centers her or the feminist undertones. This issue continues with the fact that our kid narrator only talks to men about his project except for his teacher. Even the librarian is a man which feels like falling into vocational awe (librarian) and gender stereotypes (teacher) at the same time.

It’s cute that Betty has a cameo but I wish there was an author’s note to contextualize that since it didn’t happen but all the other stuff about Betty is fact which creates a muddy narrative. It also makes me wish this had been inspired by Betty White and not pitched as a biography when ... it really isn't.

Aside from that, of course, we have the issue that this book was dated even before publication because the text includes a mention of Better turning 100 in the timeline at the end and does not note that she died OR that she died just short of that milestone birthday.

allouthan's review

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funny hopeful inspiring medium-paced


alexgalloway26's review

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I absolutely loved this book.

As I am one of the biggest fans of Betty White, this book is such an amazing look at her life for kids. I loved experiencing this story in this beautiful picture book. The genesis of the story is there is a kid who is doing a presentation on a trailblazing woman in history. Everyone tells him to pick someone who is a more traditional person to do this presentation on. I absolutely loved how the author included the little bits about Betty’s life and all of the things she did throughout her career. This book means a lot since Betty passed away on New Years Eve.

I borrowed this book from the library where I work and I will definitely be adding the book to my Betty White collection.

nerdybookworm23's review

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funny informative inspiring lighthearted medium-paced


panda_incognito's review

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The framing device is over-the-top and cheesy, and the stilted dialogue is just a data dump. I hope that there will be better picture book biographies of Betty White in the future.

crolovr's review

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Most of us know Betty White from the TV shows Mary Tyler Moore and The Golden Girls and for her work with the American Humane Society. But Betty did so much more!

A boy is assigned a presentation on a trailblazing woman. He picks Betty White even though his teacher and one of his father's want him to pick someone more traditional.
He goes to the Library and with the help of an elderly woman (Betty White) he learns that Betty got her start on radio, acted and produced a show featuring a black performer and is in the Guiness Book of World Records for the longest television career in history.

There is so much more included in this 48 page book aimed at children from preschool to eight. The most important was to believe in yourself and hold onto your dreams. Thank you to Henry Holt Books and Mi

cmoore_books's review

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emilymyhren's review

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informative inspiring lighthearted


pucksandpaperbacks's review

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I was kindly sent a copy of this book for review from Mac Kids Books.

This was a delightful read! It follows a boy who has to do a presentation for school on a trailblazer woman and he picks Betty White!

A woman follows him around looking suspiciously like Betty to help him with his presentation while he learns about all of the great achievements and passions Betty had.

My favorite Betty fact I learned from this book is that Betty White starred in more than one hundred TV shows and movies. I knew of Betty White before reading but I really only knew about her role in Golden Girls. So, I appreciated reading this book and learning about her Emmy nominees and her love for animals.

There’s even a timeline at the back of the book that goes over Betty’s life and her achievements from 1922 to 2022, though she did pass in 2021 :(

I really enjoyed this book because it is a great introduction to Betty White’s life and will teach children about her. It celebrates her and keeps her legacy alive! Highly recommend picking it up.