
O Segredo Mais Escuro by Gena Showalter

kiks396's review against another edition

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Please welcome the newest member to my Book Boyfriend Club: AMUN! Keeper of Secrets, Amun was mysterious, stoic, strong and considerate. His selfless act of being mute to protect his friends and family was a testament to what kind of person he was. It was a slow and steady build up between him and Haidee, a Hunter and threat to the Lords. Despite this, Haidee was key to helping Amun and the two have to work together as they navigate the realms of hell.
SpoilerSide note: they get it on in HELL! Don't know why, but I just found that extra hot.

As with every other book there was little bits of new information here and there, and catch up with all the other Lords. I love the whole build up and all the puzzle pieces for the hunt for Pandora's Box. I can't get enough of the Lords and look forward to the next book about Strider and Kaia.

alexa_ayana's review against another edition

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Gah, buku Amun adalah buku paling tidak memorable ke-2 setelah buku Maddox dan Reyes. Kenapa?

- Amun yang memutuskan tidak berbicara selalu berkomunikasi dengan bahasa kalbu. Dia juga jarang muncul dalam buku-buku sebelumnya. Siapa dia? Warrior yang di rasuki Iblis Kerahasian. So? Apa lagi? Zero informasi.

- Pasangannya juga sama saja. Di kemunculan pertamanya, kupikir dia akan menjadi pasangan strider tapi ternyata Gena punya rencana lain. Haidee adalah seorang Pemburu yang di masa lalu juga yang membantu "pembunuhan" Baden. Dan alasan dia mau nempel Amun adalah karena pria ini mirip pacarnya. Meh.

- Karakter mereka berdua tidak digali mendalam dan serasa disisipkan ke dalam seri ini. Serasa tidak penting sehingga bisa dihapus tanpa merasa kehilangan.

- Interaksi dn chemistry mereka super instan dan tentu saja susah untuk di percaya. Bahasa kalbu mereka berdua yang serius dan minim joke juga tidak menyetrum hati.

- Petualangan penuh aksi mereka berdua tidak memorable. Aku hanya ingat melibatkan anak-anak William dan iblis-iblis. Aku akan menambahkan di review ini apabila aku ingat.

snowlilly's review against another edition

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Better than the last one but still a little...undercooked.

missmoonshine's review against another edition

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Having read the entire series so far, I am at somewhat of a loss as to where to place this installment. It is not the best by far, but there were some aspects that were intriguing; OK,there's one aspect and his name is Amun. The keeper of Secrets has been understandably quiet previously, but he more than makes up for it in his own story. He is protective, understanding, and willing to do whatever possible to keep the woman he loves. Haidee, his enemy turned love interest is a much more well rounded character than I expected her to be, I came to like her fairly early in the story, and the romance between them was not as angsty as it could have been, which is a definite plus. However, Amun is the main reason why this book gets a four, rather than a three, star rating. The storyline itself was relatively simple in terms of the over-arching plot, but the way it was communicated at times made it seem a lot more complicated and convoluted than it needed to be. Another diappointment for me was that the dyanamic of the warriors together was missing, and the attempts to bring them into the story seemed superfluous. Surprisingly perhaps, another of my favourite aspects of the story was the interaction between William and Gilly who light up the page whenever they appear, and make me want to know if anything is going to happen in that department.
All in all, I would recommend this book. Although there are some issues, it isn't the typical angsty romance between two people who are supposed to hate each other, and that is refreshing. The romance is undoubtedly the best bit, so if you're looking for a romance novel, then this is for you.

yche09's review against another edition

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all i can say is..
I KNEW IT!! i friggin knew it! I've been intrigued and crushing on Amun and Torin for the longest time (past books and all). I just knew no matter what that i will love their books no matter what. Now its a tie between and Sabin and Amun on my number 1 hero of LOTU. I love Amun's story. 5/5 stars!

monster_ma_x_3's review against another edition

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4.5 stars.

I really enjoyed the story of Amun and Haidee, liked how both of them lost their preconceived notions about the other and learned the truth. And, holy hotness, Batman...they've got the mark on oral fixation! *laughs*

smashattackash's review against another edition

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Smash Attack Reads!

The story opens up with Strider, who had not caught my attention in previous books, but that has sure changed! We get a healthy dose of Strider in this book, probably because his book is next. (I am way excited for that HEA! What a serious courting process that will be.) If you recall from The Darkest Lie, Strider caught a Hunter known as Haidee who has caused much strife for the warriors in the past. Strider brings Haidee to the fortress so that she can be questioned.

Amun, keeper of the demon Secrets, is still struggling from his trip to Hell. In fact, Hell is still with him because he absorbed a few hundred demon minions during his trip and they are causing him constant agony and torment. While Amun lay in misery, he calls out for help. If you recall, Amun cannot speak, lest he release all the horrible secrets he has heard. So, he reaches out with his mind. And Haidee hears him. And so starts the treacherous journey that the two must make in order to learn that they are destined for one another. There is serious bad blood between their kind, but in the process of working together to bring respite to Amun, memories reveal that all is not what it seems. We see some very tender moments between the two as they come to this realization. And quiet, mysterious Amun shows a very different side of himself when the Lords share their true opinion of Haidee.

William gets screen time in this book, which made me extremely happy. He is another favorite of mine, and has been since he was introduced. I love a snarky, sarcastic hot piece o’ man, and he fits the bill beautifully. We get a small scene between he and Gilly, and learn a bit about his curse, which gives us great insight into his outlook on life and behavior. While William is not a Lord, I assume Gena will write his HEA because he is a very well-loved character. I will be very upset otherwise. :) Some of the best scenes in the book included Strider, Paris and William. I was roaring with laughter. Those scenes were gold. GOLD, I tell you. Between the text messages, the strippers and the ambrosia, it was pure magic. Fried Twinkies, FTW!

The ending of this book was a bit odd and partly the reason I did not give it a five. The final showdown nor the situation that brought the characters together in the end felt unnatural, to me. It didn’t flow well. I also thought Haidee’s ability to come back from the darkness, so to speak, was far to easy. I wanted more struggle. However, as with any of the LOTU series, I expect smex (Gena teases us with sexual play throughout the entire book, but we don’t get the full shebang until much later. ), laughter and action, emotional struggles and vulnerability in otherwise threatening, aggressive warriors, and strong yet gentle heroines! The Darkest Secret delivered.

suzrae73's review against another edition

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Ahhh I just love the Lords!!! I ended up liking this installment and getting to know Amun a bit more!! Definitely looking forward to the next book as I LOVE Strider....

mahree's review against another edition

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4.2 Stars

lpcoolgirl's review against another edition

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Loved reading this book again, the first one in this series that I read for the first time after I joined Goodreads, and I loved reading about these two again! 

*Second Read June 24th, 2013*
Man, loved rereading this book, it was fantastic, must read more!!!!

*First Read April 13th 2011*
Wow. Gena Showalter can't get any better! Actually, if one would consider to have their DNA cloned, and have the brain's linked, and all those ideas, and all those hands...Then we'd get those promised 50 LotU books a heck of a lot faster! And that would be an improvement to having to wait half a year, get 2 or 3 books, then another half year, and having this cycle back and forth till done. Most definitely!!!!

As always, there is Gena's customary wit and romance, heat and love. And problems. Boy, where there problems! First with Strider and Haidee, and then Haidee and Amun, and Amun with Strider, and Strider with Kaia. Pure awesomeness!!!

Love how the emotion, tension, and relationships grow!!! Love the book! Wish I could go back in time to reread it, and not know what was coming again! Oh, well, there's always the next book, The Darkest Surrender, and the one after that, and that...or rereading the previous 6 books :)

If you haven't read this book yet, or the series, or any Gena Showalter book, I'd suggest you get on it right away, if you don't read adult, she has a YA series, Intertwined, so there's something for all ages!