Reviews tagging 'Gun violence'

マイ・ストーリー / by Michelle Obama

86 reviews

annapox's review against another edition

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informative reflective medium-paced


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sandymaple's review against another edition

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hopeful reflective medium-paced


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sandysmith's review against another edition

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emotional hopeful informative inspiring reflective slow-paced


It's taken me well over a year to finish this book with me dipping in and out of it between other reads. There were times I hardly touched the book, let alone read it. It was interesting reading and split into 3 parts, becoming me, her early life, becoming us meeting Obama and becoming more her life in the White House, the latter being my favourite section. Interesting reading, which unfortunately didn't have me gripped.  But lots to think about, which is what I enjoy about reading

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hjb_128's review against another edition

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challenging emotional informative inspiring reflective medium-paced


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zara89's review against another edition

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reflective relaxing medium-paced


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lizard800's review against another edition

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challenging emotional informative inspiring reflective medium-paced


Michelle is an excellent narrator. This book made me cry several times. Super well written and very moving.

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zydecovivo's review against another edition

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emotional hopeful inspiring reflective slow-paced


I was a bit too young to understand politics when Barack Obama became president. I also did not know much about Michelle Obama, besides the fact that her healthy food campaign had severely impacted our school lunch options (yes, we were all outraged when cookies were no longer available for purchase). Becoming tells her story, starting from the very beginning, to just after President Obama’s tenure in the White House ended. It’s a glimpse into Michelle’s past, as well as a look at the impact of political campaigns on a family at multiple levels. I can’t help but admire Michelle and her family. The only section that did not have me riveted was the listing of accomplishments and initiatives by both the White House and Michelle herself. I appreciated the stories where she expanded on why she chose certain initiatives and who they impacted, but there was a good 30 minutes to an hour (I read the audiobook version) that read like a list. But the overall writing and story were moving and made me long for the time before politics was so hateful and loyalty only given to one's own party. 

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cats33's review against another edition

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adventurous emotional funny informative inspiring reflective medium-paced


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denijaaa_s's review against another edition

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hopeful informative inspiring slow-paced


Izaugt, pēc manām domām, nenozīmē kaut kur nokļūt vai sasniegt konkrētu mērķi. Es to redzu kā virzību uz priekšu, kā pakāpeniskas izaugsmes ceļu, kā nepārtrauktu tiekšanos uz labāku "es". Un šis ceļojums nekad nebeidzas.

Izaugšanai ir nepieciešama gan pacietība, gan stingrība, turklāt vienādās daļās. Izaugt nozīmē nekad neatteikties no domas, ka vēl ir jāaug. 

Spēku var gūt tad, ja tu ļauj sevi iepazīt un liec sevi sadzirdēt, ja tev ir unikāls stāsts, ko pastāstīt, ja tev ir savs, patstāvīgs viedoklis un balss. Un vēl labāk ir tad, ja tu vēlies sevi iepazīt un sadzirdēt citus. Tā mēs, manuprāt, izaugam.

protams, grāmata galīgi ārpus manas komforta zonas, jo nemēdzu lasīt par politiku, kā arī labprātāk lasu fikcijas grāmatas. bet kopumā uzskatu šo par lielisku stāstu par spēcīgu sievieti; mišelu obamu es ieraudzīju pavisam citā gaismā (pozitīvā nozīmē), jo līdz šim nebiju interesējusies viņas dzīves stāstā, un nebiju arī sekojusi līdzi asv politiskajai dzīvei tajā laikā. 
mazliet nogurdināja daļas, kurās bija ļoti gari un plaši apraksti par politiskajām sistēmām un asv izglītību, jo neesmu amerikāne, līdz ar to bija grūti saprast, par ko iet runa.

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readingrainbowroad's review against another edition

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emotional hopeful informative reflective medium-paced


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