
Emily Post's Etiquette by Emily Post, Peggy Post

annie_stevo's review

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Actually fascinating read, so interesting to see the earlier origins of current customs. A bit old fashioned in places, just in writing style, may need to be prepared for that.

entitled's review against another edition

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Енциклопедія з етикету для набуття шляхетності, яку не виховали в дитинстві. Моя навички спілкування та налагодження відносин з людьми стрімко пішли вгору. 

abslax's review against another edition

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challenging informative reflective slow-paced


saint997's review

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Should be used as a reference, not as a read

steveshooman's review

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Amusing to see the detailed rules of a kind of life no longer lived; not that etiquette has been discarded, but it has changed so much! Sometimes I wish visiting cards and formal mourning were still parts of life, as they certainly had their place. On the other hand, I'm glad I can sit whomever I choose next to me at a dinner in my own home!

somechelsea's review

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I find etiquette - or, I guess, differing opinions on and rules of - fascinating, and Emily Post is the go-to name for etiquette. It's been updated (as the name would imply), and now it includes an entire chapter on divorce and post-divorce etiquette, and another on electronic communication.

I'd really like to dig up a first edition, and see how thing have changed over the years.