
Kun kaupunki suljettiin – Wuhanin kohtalonhetket by Fang Fang

epictetsocrate's review against another edition

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Doar când trăiești în mijlocul unor vremuri de criză ies la suprafață toate bunele și relele naturii umane. Numai dacă treci prin experiența asta începi să observi lucruri pe care nu-ți imaginaseși că le vei vedea vreodată. Rămâi șocat, mâhnit și cuprins de mânie, dar până la urmă te obișnuiești cu ele.

Cad fulgi de zăpadă. Noaptea trecută, a fost o furtună cu trăsnete și a bătut vântul șuierând, iar astăzi a început să ningă. Se întâmplă destul de rar să vezi o ninsoare atât de abundentă în Wuhan. Am auzit că azi-noapte vântul a smuls o bucată din acoperișul Spitalului Leishenshan, fapt ce arată cât de cumplită a fost vijelia. Sper că pacienții de acolo care au fost afectați au putut fi transferați în siguranță în alte saloane. Iată o altă criză măruntă în mijlocul unei calamități de proporții mult mai ample.

Astăzi sunt extrem de prost dispusă. La primele ore ale dimineții am descoperit că o persoană de pe Weibo, care poartă numele „Xiang Ligang de la CCTIME.COM”, a distribuit o fotografie cu telefoane mobile de vânzare într-un magazin second-hand împreună cu una dintre postările mele în care amintea despre telefoanele aruncate lângă un crematoriu. Apoi a trimis un mesaj în care a afirmat că eu eram cea care distribuise poza și m-a acuzat că răspândesc zvonuri în mediul online!

cdemi12's review against another edition

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informative reflective slow-paced


I almost wish I read this in 2020 when the book came out. I feel so desensitized to what we have been through for the past 18 months. Perhaps for that reason, the book felt a bit slow. But I understand the urgency that its readership felt. These diary entries were what kept people going during the most strict lockdown and during the scariest moment of Wuhan’s epidemic. Fang Fang writes with confidence and courage, and she made me feel just as angry. I’m angry at those Chinese officials for not taking action, and I’m angry at my government for the same. It’s late 2021, and I’m still not back to “normal” life. This book helped remind me of the gravity of this historical event we’re all living in. 

auri_winter's review against another edition

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emotional informative reflective slow-paced


storybehindallthestories's review

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Epätietoisuus, kaaos ja pelko. Virheet, väärät johtopäätökset ja salailu, jotka johtivat maailmanlaajuiseen pandemiaan. Jossittelu ei auta, mutta tulevaa ajatellen on opittava menneistä. Historia tarvitsee tämän kirjan.

Luin tätä kirjaa ristiriitaisin fiiliksin. Vuodessa moni asia on muuttunut. Omalla kohdalla riskiryhmään kuuluminen ja edelleen itseään odotuttava rokotus sekä työ kriittisellä alalla antavat vähän erilaista näkemystä. Oli valaisevaa lukea pandemian alkuvaiheiden tunnelmia niiden keskiöstä. Vielä emme tiedä millaiset jäljet tämä kaikki tulee jättämään, mutta unohtaa ei sovi. Aika antaa perspektiiviä moneen asiaa, mutta minusta on tärkeää, että tämän wuhanilaisnaisen päiväkirjamerkinnät on koottu kirjaksi, jota on käännetty jo useille kielille. Teos avasi lisäksi hienolla tavalla kiinalaista kulttuuria ja oli kurkistus kiinalaiseen elämään ja mentaliteettiin - joskin poikkeusolojen keskellä.

Yritetään vielä jaksaa.


zbeyzx's review against another edition

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It was an interesting experience to listen to this audiobook while in lockdown in a far away city from Wuhan, 10 months into the future. Although the diaries were written 10 months ago, they show us the future, too.

teekraenzchen's review against another edition

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emotional hopeful informative reflective sad medium-paced


thoughtsfromtheafro's review against another edition

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I’m glad I went into this not knowing what to expect. As the translator notes in the end, the reception is different because it’s now in hindsight, and in book form.

While a bit “boring” and repetitive in some ways, it was very much a good window into how people on the ground (medical and regular citizens) dealt with the crisis in its early stages.

readingfastandslow's review against another edition

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challenging dark emotional funny informative reflective sad tense slow-paced


trishayye's review against another edition

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i'm not a fan of reading diaries, but i think this is a good book to understand better what was happening in Wuhan in the beginning of the pandemic.

cynthiaqi123's review against another edition

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I admire Fang Fang's courage to speak her truth. As she was locked in her house, like everyone else in Wuhan during those devastating initial months of the COVID-19 outbreak, her decision to chronicle the personal, the mundane, and all moments in between show us what life was like for the majority of those trapped by this virus. Although quite repetitive at times, this was an important read, as I was brought back to the initial inklings of the pandemic while sitting comfortably in my own home during our province's third "lockdown", and with hope that our vaccination campaign will bring back life as we knew it. Our lockdowns were very different than Wuhan's, and as a result, so were our infection curves. Fang Fang's story is also interesting because of the pandemonium that ensued--at first overwhelmingly positive, then suddenly, her followers turned on her. My mom explained that this switch was brought on as soon as readers in China found out her diary was being translated for Western readers to enjoy. Suddenly, she was criticized for being too harsh on the Chinese government's response to the pandemic. Although there was some criticism, I feel like this is only normal, and in fact, the overall tone from her diary was optimistic. Fang Fang's voice remained hopeful because she was inspired by the tenacity of Wuhan's residents, and the efficient response by the government despite their initial blunders. Every organization can benefit from criticism. We don't expect the perfect response, but it's reasonable to demand accountability from our leaders. Those who lost their lives to this virus deserve it, and those who's lives have been irreversibly altered, deserve it as well.