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Ant Farm: And Other Desperate Situations by Simon Rich

ballinnnnnn's review

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I had seen another one of Mr. Rich's books reviewed in People, maybe, and then heard him speak on Dan Savage's podcast about it and then really wanted to read it. Unfortunately, they didn't have that particular book of his I had heard about, however they did have one of his others, so I got that one instead. I get the idea that all of his books are set up the same way, a good sized collection of short, not even stories so much as, commentaries. So much of comedy is being able to recognize the obvious and then relating to it, which Mr. Rich has a real knack for. I'd say 90% of the stories make you giggle or chuckle, at least on the inside. It's a very quick read which allows you to finish it in no more than 2 hours. He also has a knack for writing down things that you've probably thought of, but haven't even realized that you have. He's a real talent. Between writing and comedy, I'm surprised he hasn't inked a movie/tv/screenwriting deal yet. I have no doubt he will at some point though, so make sure you give his stuff a read soon so that you can be one of the people that was a fan before he was super famous.

raynasdad's review

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Quick read. Pretty funny. It was like stand-up comedy in book form.

read_to_read's review

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basically a joke book

theartolater's review

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Essentially a book of short comedic stories. Some of them were brutally funny. Not much else to say, but I do recommend it as a quick read.

didifinishthisbook's review

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funny lighthearted fast-paced


harvio's review

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- Rich was one of the youngest writers ever hired by Saturday Night Live
- quite honestly...I laughed out loud!
- a delightful collection of comic vignettes that "displays a knack for extracting humor from scenarios of discomfort and despair."
- interesting fact: In his original proposal to Random House (a portion of which was printed in the New York Observer) he claimed that the "...subject matter - horrible, inescapable doom - is well-suited for a younger audience...I think kids will be attracted to the book's unpredictability. The tone remains constant throughout, but the topic changes every page with the abruptness of an iPod shuffle."
- I love the wording in this review I found: "Ant Farm is a delightful bruschetta of absurdity served on crackers of keen insight."

mattpr_co's review

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Collection of really short stories. Easy read.
Some "laugh out loud" funny bits. A lot of condescension and apathy. I'm worn out on that kind of humor.

nico1000's review

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1.4 hours casual reading. It's like a bunch of SNL skits on paper. If the SNL guys wrote really short stories...

jkenna's review

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This was a pretty good collection of stories. I liked most of them and they were pretty funny

retiredfromsadnewcareer's review against another edition

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funny fast-paced
