
The Extinct Files: My Science Project by Wallace Edwards

paigeturnspages's review

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There are so many great things going on in this book. It's written in school-report form and made to look like a binder. The main character attempts to prove that dinosaurs are real using photographic evidence and the scientific method.

I loved the witty asides and puns that fill this book, many of which would be over kids' heads but which are entertaining for adult readers. I immediately recognized the illustrations to be Wallace Edwards' work (Alphabeasts was a previous favourite) and loved the mix of kid-style crayon drawings in the report and Edwards' intricate, vivid signature illustrations as the photographs. A keeper!

ir_sharp2's review

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Pretty cute.

castronovoc's review

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A report from a child about how dinosaurs are living in today's society but are very secretive and don't want their whereabouts known.

mrsbond's review

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A science report on a pet iguana quickly becomes a discovery of living dinosaurs. Very fun read. Really like the layout of his methodology.