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the_d_brief's review against another edition
this book is sort of all over the place, but it gives you a lot of insight into his life and is entertaining too.
rickyb77's review against another edition
I really, really tried to like this book. I have read a couple of HSThompson's journalism pieces and long-form non-fiction writing and I think he is very talented writer. However, this books also shows him to be an excruciating narcissis. I think the thing that annoyed me so much about this book was how clever HSThompson actually thinks he is. I really got the impression that he would think everything he wrote was just so clever, and it really isn't. I can kind of hear him telling these stories and then waiting for his audience to laugh uproariously and being maybe a little stunned if they don't. Not a great book. Personally, I'd probably just read HSThompson's Wikipedia page and that would tell me as much about him as if want to know. This book just did not do it for me at all.
As a side note: I've really gone off reading any kind of bio/autobiography especially about people whose work or careers I admire. I have always found at the end of these bio/autobiographies that I am so jaded with who the person is and it just discourages me. I think this will probably be my last bio/autobio for a while. For me, I think the less I know about the people I admire, about people whose talent I admire, the better.
As a side note: I've really gone off reading any kind of bio/autobiography especially about people whose work or careers I admire. I have always found at the end of these bio/autobiographies that I am so jaded with who the person is and it just discourages me. I think this will probably be my last bio/autobio for a while. For me, I think the less I know about the people I admire, about people whose talent I admire, the better.
tfarris89's review against another edition
charles__'s review against another edition
Hunter S. Thompson. He has always been a personal fave, but his later books have lacked the energy of the earlier works. But, he can still turn a phrase. "Its better to be shot out of a cannon, than squeezed out of a tube." This book has the "jumbled" story lines that have appeared in his later work. It makes it harder to read than it ought to be.
I shouldn't be reading HST while living in my current vortex of anger and frustration. Know where I can get a Kevlar vest?
I shouldn't be reading HST while living in my current vortex of anger and frustration. Know where I can get a Kevlar vest?
nickhw22's review against another edition
Not one of his best, i feel he was losing it big time by this point, saying that there are some classic moments which make it worth the read.
chairmanbernanke's review against another edition
The quirky adventures of a wild and apparently self-proclaimed “girlish” character.
bluetrainlines's review against another edition
Picked up at a hotel. I found his writing style irritating. Maybe I would have loved him if I was born in that era but it was so dated in 2018. It felt just as distant as the feeling I get reading Jane Austen or someone. 1 star.
sociotom's review against another edition
Hunter's an interesting writer. There is a lot of stuff in this book, so if you're going to read it, make sure you have the time. It's a series of essays and articles, though, so you can do it in bite sized chunks. Either way, a good read for Hunter fans.
jameschrysler's review against another edition
Biography of one of the most influential journalists of last century. Feat and loathing in Las Vegas is his best piece
mathesond's review against another edition
Still crazy after all these years...although, what else would you expect from a guy who realizes he is a teenage girl in the body of an elderly dope fiend. Still few writers make me feel as alive as HST. Would read again.