
Wicked All Night by Jeaniene Frost

anasatticbookblog's review

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Wicked All Night: A Night Rebel Novel by Jeaniene Frost
Narrated by Tavia Gilbert
Wicked All Night is NOT a standalone. Please see HERE for the reading order. 
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The Night Huntress Series by Jeaniene Frost is my favorite all-time series, but somehow I missed it when Wicked All Night came out. Ian has always been my favorite character so I couldn’t wait to read more about him and Veritas.

I loved jumping back into the Night Huntress world and Ian’s snarky humor. But this whole book seemed like it went overboard. Not only are we battling demons, but Gods too. And all of their powers, the whole crew’s, all seemed conveniently more than ever before.

Ian and Veritas lost their edge a little bit. They spent the whole book trying to protect the other from themselves. It got old quickly and I missed the combative spark.
"He was my real home. He was also my deepest love, my wildest passion, my truest friend . . . he was everything I’d never dared to dream for, yet now had."

Veritas’s half brother, Ashael, was my new favorite character in this book, though I also loved visiting with all of my favorites including Mencheres, Cat & Bones, Denise & Spade, Vlad, and more, but Ashael is a new, intriguing character that I hope we get to see a spin-off about.

The Night Huntress series started off with a half-vampire battling Vampires who were trafficking humans. It still felt like our world. As the series has gone on it’s gotten more and more away from our world and everything has gotten so much bigger and more over-the-top that the essence of what I really love about these books is getting a little lost in the action. Also, Ian and Veritas were never alone! Wicked All Night was missing the romance a bit because they felt they needed to stay away from each other to protect them.

Now don’t get me wrong. I gobbled this up in one day like I do all Jeaniene Frost books. And despite that it had gotten a little too over-the-top, I was still loving it. But I couldn’t imagine how it could wrap up when I was at 80%. I thought for sure there would have to be a 4th book, but noooooo. It all just wrapped up abruptly.

jennyliu887's review against another edition

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Previously rated 4 stars.

- H rescues her from her golden fiancé
- he tricks them into going into the underworld to save her father. He isn’t actually being tortured, and he sneaks out his two god friends (ice and volcano)
- they unite with the ghouls and defeat them

leabookjoy's review against another edition

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Un tome sympathique même si ce n'est pas mon préféré =)

Ian et Veritas faisant partie de mes favoris, j'avais hâte de lire la suite et fin de leur aventure ... Mais j'ai été un peu déçue =S
Oui l'intrigue est bien (l'histoire avec l'ex fiancé et ses complices divins était prenante !), on a toutes les réponses à nos questions, il y a beaucoup de grands changements qui s'opèrent (notamment avec les goules !), j'ai adoré certains personnages comme Ashael (je veux tellement une histoire avec lui <3) et je trouve toujours Ian et Veritas géniaux ensemble
J'ai trouvé qu'il manquait quelque chose à ce tome : Ian et Veritas se sont avoir trop facilement au début et puis j'ai trouvé la fin trop rapide / précipité, j'aurais aimé plus d'actions / de détails pour pouvoir la savourer ...

Bref, une série qui reste agréable à lire pour les fans d'urban fantasy =)


A nice book even if it's not my favorite =)

Ian and Veritas being one of my favorites, I couldn't wait to read more and especially the end of their adventure ... But I was a bit disappointed =S
Yes the plot is good (the story with the ex-fiancé and his divine accomplices was gripping !), we have all the answers to our questions, there are a lot of big changes taking place (especially with ghouls !), I loved some characters like Ashael (I so want a story with him <3) and I always find Ian and Veritas awesome together
I found that something was missing from this book : Ian and Veritas got fooled too easily at the beginning and then I found the end too fast / rushed, I would have liked more actions / details to be able to savor it ...

In short, a series that remains pleasant to read for fans of urban fantasy =)

inmyhumbleopinion's review against another edition

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Sexy, snarky, irreverent, fearless and gifted Ian has been one of my favorite characters in this series. In the Night Rebel trilogy Ian finds his happiness in Veritas but like everything else in his long life Ian is going to have to fight for it but he fights to win and has no problems fighting dirty. This installment Picks up where Wicked Bite left off and Ian and Veritas get into even deeper trouble. It’s going to take all their friends to save the world this time. I got lost in this wonderful trilogy and hope to revisit again and again

madeleine_knutsson's review against another edition

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Den här serien gick åt en sådan konstigt håll. Jag har nu läst i stort sätt alla böcker i den här världen men är så besviken på Ians böcker. Den är "all over the place". Ena stunden handlar det om att leta reda på demoner, sedan andra boken minns jag knappt och nu den här gången så jagar de helt plötsligt gudar. På något sätt så blir det ingen bra koppling och inget ordentligt avslut då jag tycker inte att Veritas lyckas övertyga sitt andra jag.

Så synd att alla böcker som inte berör Bones och Kat har varit ganska tråkiga.

_snowy_m's review against another edition

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I always enjoy a good Jeaniene Frost book. This is the last in the Ian and Veritas series. And like other reviewers I will say that it was a quick and abrupt end. Other than that it was nice seeing some old friends again and wondering what Ms Frost has in store for us next in the Night Huntress Universe. I am also hoping to have a full gang (not cameo appearances) book again.

If you have been reading all of the Night Huntress series, definitely read the Night Rebel portion. I am sure everyone who loves these books, loves Ian for the scoundrel he is. This pairing is great.

lambsbooks's review against another edition

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 This would have been 4.75 stars but I’m rating it 4.5 because there was no ending! The battle was over and then END. Whyyy 

fablo_picasso's review against another edition

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Ich bin gerade etwas überrumpelt. Das Ende?? Ist es ein Ende??
Aber ich fange mal von vorne an. Der dritte Teil hat ja schon mit einem ganz schonen plottwist aus dem ersten Teil begonnen. Dragon ist tot und nun hat sich ein neues Problem eröffnet: Phanes. Am Anfang dachte ich, dass es sich in diesem Teil viel mehr um die Beziehung von Veritas und Ian drehen wird, gerade mir der Thematik, dass Veritas Phanes versprochen ist. Jedoch entpuppt sich das als Irrtum. Irgendwie hat sich das Buch für mich gefühlt in die Länge gezogen und war trotzdem an einigen Stellen unsauber gearbeitet. Dies ist der schwächste Teil für mich und ehrlich gesagt, hätte man sich ihn auch sparen können. Das Ende kam für mich viel zu abrupt und ging teilweise auch alles etwas schnell und nicht so schön ausgeführt.

haley_j_casey's review against another edition

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I loved a lot about this for Veritas, but I wanted more Ian, and I wanted the plot to be drawn out a little longer. So many important things happened very quickly.

shelfaddiction's review against another edition

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Reliable entertainment. It's always fun to see recurring characters as always. Frost definitely follows a formula, it's solid, so why change it. Picking up any books in this connected world is a guaranteed good time. I wish there was more relationship stuff between Vlad and Veritas.