
A Bitter Pill to Swallow by Laura Landon, Laura Landon

rainelle_barrett's review

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A Bitter Pill to Swallow. I totally loved this story. The writer gave me a sweet and very heartwarming love story. Jenny and James are two people whom their town love and respect completely. James at first site instantly falls in love with Jenny. Jenny her self feels that the doctor has gone mad.
I feel that their courtship was excellently written. The writer created the story so beautifully that you could feel that love through their dialogue between one another. James and Jenny try to work together as they both have special skills that would be helpful to the community. I loved the moments of laughter and fun moments among the characters. I enjoyed the entertainment between all the characters during times of haste and survival.
This is a fantastic story. I definitely had a fun time reading and I look forward to more stories coming from this series. I give this story two snaps and a twist. Until next time my fellow readers. Read on! I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.