
A Simple Soul by Gustave Flaubert

michellereadatrix's review against another edition

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I found this story deeply moving ... and very depressing. Messed me up in much the same way as the Twilight Zone episode "Time Enough at Last," in that the brutality of the world, the unfairness of life, seems overwhelming.

Thanks, Flaubert.

stephmostav's review against another edition

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Felicidade me lembrou Macabéa, tanto pelo que ela é (ainda que existam suas diferenças), mas sim pelo que ela passa. É uma tremenda ironia uma protagonista com esse nome passar por tanta infelicidade. Tudo que lhe foi mais caro foi tirado dela, suscessivamente, mas ela se manteve mesmo depois de tudo. A escrita do Flaubert é de um primor que julgo até excessivo, perfeccionista, mas este é o estilo dele e ele o mantém com maestria nessa história curta.

darwin8u's review against another edition

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"In her mind, the one became associated with the other, the parrot becoming sanctified by connection with the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit in turn aquiring added life and meaning."
- Gustave Flaubert, A Simple Heart


Vol N° 45 of my Penguin [b:Little Black Classics Box Set|24611766|Little Black Classics Box Set|Various||44222896]. This volume contains Flaubert's story "A Simple Heart" or "The Parrot". It was translated by by Roger Whitehouse in 2005. The story appeared first in Flaubert's collection [b:Three Tales|2182|Three Tales|Gustave Flaubert||1446318] in 1877.

The story relates the life of Barette Felicité, a poor servant girl, who eventually ends up in the Aubain household (a widow and her two children). Felicité seems to be almost the exact opposite of Mme Bovary. She is quiet, and lives a mostly uneventful life full of love. She has no husband, no children, no wealth. She does, however, love those around her and serves the children of her mistress, her mistress, her nephew, and her neighbors with a Christian charity and powerful love that is as devout as it is humble.

She also has a pet parrot, towards the end of the story, that takes this story to the next level. There was something about Flaubert's humor, his cheeky openness and his ability ot wrap this story up with a quasi-mystical and absurd bow that just blew me away. I've got Julian Barnes' [b:Flaubert's Parrot|2176|Flaubert's Parrot|Julian Barnes||1414912] on my to-read shelf, but this shoved that book a lot nearer.

lnatal's review against another edition

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Free download available at Project Gutenberg.


Another magnificent novel written by Gustave Flaubert, telling the story of a girl servant, Felicité.


After her one and only love Théodore leaves her and marry a rich woman, Felicité quits the farm she works on and moves for Pont-l'Évèque where she is hired in a widow's house as a servant. Her loyalty has no limits.


After Mme Aubain's children have move away from home and after the unbearable lost of her adored nephew, she receives a parrot as a gift. Then a cheerful relationship starts between them.

julie230397's review against another edition

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reflective sad fast-paced
  • Strong character development? No
  • Loveable characters? No
  • Diverse cast of characters? No
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? No


stephmostav's review against another edition

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Felicidade me lembrou Macabéa, tanto pelo que ela é (ainda que existam suas diferenças), mas sim pelo que ela passa. É uma tremenda ironia uma protagonista com esse nome passar por tanta infelicidade. Tudo que lhe foi mais caro foi tirado dela, suscessivamente, mas ela se manteve mesmo depois de tudo. A escrita do Flaubert é de um primor que julgo até excessivo, perfeccionista, mas este é o estilo dele e ele o mantém com maestria nessa história curta.