kat_2024's review against another edition

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I enjoyed this book and it really has me wanting to do some of what the author suggests. Perfect timing because I was looking for a few extra things to start for the New Year. What I liked the most was that she explained the how and why it is all beneficial to you. It got me thinking about my life and how to apply it all!

ravenclawlibrarybooks's review against another edition

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This is not a book to sit and read cover to cover, but to take your time with and read with thought and concentration.

It’s always helpful to be reminded to not take life for granted and to give thanks for all things.

#WakeUpGrateful #NetGalley

sebrittainclark's review against another edition

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This is a really interesting book about practicing Gratefulness, which I learned is similar to, but distinct from practicing Gratitude. It's a very dense book, full of journal prompts and activities you can try to add more gratefulness into your life. I particularly enjoyed the authors descriptions of how to find gratefulness while dealing with medical uncertainty.

I received a copy of the ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

pvn's review against another edition

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This is simply excellent. It is work, re-wiring one's self to be grateful, but this book has practical ways to change in powerful ways. It covers the big areas of life, including death, and is very well written. Highly recommended.

Thanks very much for the review copy!