
Sweet One by Cristin Harber

sissykat31's review

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I liked the romance and suspense in the book.
Enjoyed this book!

teresajluvs2read's review

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Sweet One is very sweet

Cash is injured during an op but Nicola needs to tell him that he's going to be a daddy. With love and patience, he heals while Nicola discovers the lows and highs of pregnancy.

Throw in a bad guy or three and both Cash and Nicola's spidey senses and you have a short but sweet novella with a surprise ending.

tiffanylansaw's review

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I forgot how much I loved these two!

Cash and Nic are probably my favorite couple, well besides my 4 other favorites! A cute little story and adorable ending!

ki4eva's review

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Love reading about Nicola and Cash. I cannot wait to read more from this author. Really want to know where the football scene in Black Dawn falls within this book.

kame's review

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To wake up and see one of your favorite authors wrote a super secret novella about one of your favorite couples AND that it was releasing in hours. NO WORDS!

So with carpool duties done and theHubs at work I snuggled in my favorite chair and spent time with Cash and Nic.

I teared up, I laughed, and I throughly enjoyed a look at this special time in their lives. It is not all pink and blue buntings and building the nursery (spoiler we do not see the nursery - darn I wonder what it would look like), there is a situation only Titan can handle, and that is what makes Cristin Harber and this series so great.

Thank you for the surprise!