
Překroč svůj stín by Katie McGarry

thereaderbee's review against another edition

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I decided to read Pushing the Limits after reading a review that said it was comparable to another book that I had read recently and loved. I must say, I absolutely adored Pushing the Limits, so much more than I expected to. It is one of those books that will stay with you, and you will think about it long after you have finished reading it.

I found the two main characters in the story, Echo and Noah, to be completely relatable, not only to myself, but to each other as well. They both have had major events in their lives that have left them completely scared, literally, and that have changed their lives forever. You would not think that they would be a good pair when they first meet. Echo is the good girl that always wants to please everyone, and Noah is the bad boy that is a longer and only cares about himself. But once they are together, things start changing for the both of them, and we get to see different sides of them. They were SO good for each other; they help each other to face what the past has changed for them. I adore this couple; they have made a spot on my list of my top favorite couples.

When you read the events that have happened in Echo and Noah’s lives, it will completely break your heart. I’m not much of a crier, but this book brought me to tears quite a few times. These poor kids, they went through so much more than any teen should be expected to go through. The author did an excellent job in making me feel the characters emotions. It was right there on the page, and it helped me connect with the characters even more. I flew through this book in record time, the story kept me so engrossed, I just couldn’t get enough.

The secondary characters were all interesting in the way that they had demons of their own to deal with. Echo’s father and stepmother, at first, came off as characters that I really wanted to hate. But once the story unfolds and we find out why they are the way they are, you have to feel something for them. Noah’s friends, Isaiah and Beth, were both interesting in their own way, and I see that we may be reading about Beth in the next novel in this series. (I can’t wait!)

Overall, I really enjoyed this book, SO VERY MUCH. It has definitely earned a spot on my bookshelf, and I plan to reread it over and over again. (That is saying something, because I only reread books that I LOVE!) If you haven’t checked out Pushing the Limits yet, I definitely recommend that you do!

Happy Reading!

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desjay98's review against another edition

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*****4.5******* I really loved the story and found myself loving the characters but in the beginning I didn't like echo until I was slightly passed the middle.

So I just reread this book about a year later. And I have to say I love it way more this time around.
It follows the story of Noah and Echo two troubled souls who are struggling to find normal again.
The characters were wonderful I have to say I'm particularly fond of Noah. I loved how each character was portrayed and that we got to see both their sides since each one had a story of their own to tell.

k8dkc's review against another edition

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So many teens with abs, and yet no scenes of anyone doing sit-ups. That's how you know it's fiction.

k4t's review against another edition

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Lo primero que dire es que no es la tipica historia chico malo se enamora de chica buena; es algo mucho mas profundo que eso.

Echo y Noah tienen algo en común: un pasado doloroso. Ella era la tipica chica popular que después de haber despertado en un hospital con sus brazos llenos de marcas y sin recordar nada pierde su vida perfecta. Él alguien tras perder a sus padres se queda en manos del gobierno y se convierte en el chico malo y drogadicto. Para ellos su busqueda de ''normalidad'' en un mundo donde todo esta roto los une.

Un libro sobre como debemos de ser fuertes a pesar de que tanta mierda la vida pueda tratarte. Unas historias totalmente dolorosas en las que te perderas por completo. Y MIRA QUE LO HARÁS.

Estoy un emocionalmente inestable en este momento, estaba durando más para terminarlo porque no creía que mi corazón resistiría un final. Todos los personajes tienen sus propias personalidades y sus propias historias que contar. Un consejo: consigue unos cuantos pañuelos antes de comenzarlo a leer. Los necesitaras.

somesummerinthe90s's review against another edition

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I love love love this book. I'll write more once I calm down from the sobbing.

storyteller86's review against another edition

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No one knows what happened the night Echo Emerson went from popular girl with jock boyfriend to gossiped-about outsider with the freaky scars on her arms. Even Echo can’t remember the whole truth of that horrible night. All she knows is that she wants everything to go back to normal.

But when Noah Hutchins, the smoking-hot, girl-using loner in the black leather jacket, explodes into her life with his tough attitude and surprising understanding, Echo & world shifts in ways she could never have imagined. They should have nothing in common. And with the secrets they both keep, being together is pretty much impossible.

Yet the crazy attraction between them refuses to go away. And Echo has to ask herself just how far they can push the limits and what she’ll risk for the one guy who might teach her how to love again.

I been hearing about Pushing The Limits for quite a while now, and most of the reviews I seen were positive ones. From moment that I started reading it I could see why. It’s such captivating novel. It’s like a roller coaster ride, the book. While reading it, I went through so many emotions. Anger, happiness, sadness, fear, curiosity. I enjoyed that it had quite of suspense added to the story, it kept me engaged. It keeps the reader eager to see what will happen next. I know that I was eager to find what happened to Echo, and part of me hoped that she would remember and another part not. Sometimes it’s better if you don’t remember. From what I read, I knew that nothing good could come out of it. Both, the story, the characters were so realistic, I needed to know what would happen, how it would end for everyone.

Echo & Noah: They are the last two people I thought end up together. Echo and Noah are so opposite, that I didn’t see how it could work between them. I could tell that Noah was attracted to her from beginning. I noticed how it affected him. What I liked about their story is that they both were unhappy but for different reasons, and they didn’t fall in love, get into relationship right away. It made their relationship realistic. At first I had my doubts about Noah, especially when he wouldn’t tell her he loved her. But he was there for her, even after they broke up, he was in hospital with her till end. I knew then that he loved her. I bet she was first girl he loved. In a way, Echo changed him. Them finding in each other, saved both of them.

Writing book from both Echo & Noah’s point of view fit the story well. Reading from both of their point of view is way reader got to know both of the characters. It got me to understand why Noah was way he was, same for Echo. I got look of how they felt for each other. Both Echo and Noah families was important to them. I was curious to see if Echo give Ashley a chance, I know she was angry with her but she still didn’t treat her right. I noticed how Ashley tried to involve herself in her life, to help her. I liked her. I’m glad that Echo decided to give her a real chance.

Mrs. Collins: How can anyone not love her? I know that I did. She tried so hard, to help both Echo and Noah from beginning, even if they didn’t see it that way at first. I could see that Echo started to trust her, through halfway the book. I know that she cared about both of them, otherwise why would she go this far, to help them. I believe that she was one of reasons that Echo remembered what happened to her that night. I wish that more counsels could care about their students like this.

Pushing The Limits is a thrilling ride. A book that everyone should check out, a book that you won’t be able to get out of your mind.

bookedwithmolli's review against another edition

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After hearing nothing but amazing things about Pushing The Limits, my expectations were sky high when I began reading this book. Between the genre (contemporary) and the subject matter, I was hoping to be swept off my feet - and I absolutely was. Katie McGarry's beautifully heart-breaking debut novel kept me up late, way past my bedtime, just to finish Echo and Noah's story, just to read another chapter, then another...because I HAD to know. The more I read, the more I wanted to read, and the further in love I fell with the characters and with Katie's writing and story-telling ability.

My experience while reading Pushing The Limits was such a positive one, largely because of the talent that is Katie McGarry. If you are on the fence about this one - don't be. I would suggest this gorgeous novel to anyone, even someone who doesn't read a great deal of contemporary novels. Reading Pushing The Limits reminded me of just why I adore this genre so much; contemporary novels are the ones that have the power to break my heart, and then somehow, to put it back together - and that definitely happened here, more than once.

What I loved the most about Pushing The Limits were the characters. Both Echo and Noah were two amazingly fleshed-out characters - shortly into this book, I felt close to them, like I'd known them for a long time. As McGarry revealed more of their individual secrets, slowly stripping back their layers and letting us get to know her characters, my heart went out to each of them in different ways. There's a great deal of tragedy in this book, but there's also a lot of hope, bound up between Noah and Echo.

Seeing them go from strangers, to tentative friends, and how organically and naturally it happened - like breathing - was just tender and so special. I felt like I was being allowed to glimpse their private moments, their talks, smiles, and the conversations that slowly developed into more. McGarry gave Echo and Noah time - time to get to know each other, time to be attracted, time to fall in love, and by doing so, she also gave the reader time to fall in love with them as characters. She didn't ignore her minor characters, either - I really liked Noah's friends Beth and Isiah, and Echo's friends.

As drawn as I was to the characters, I was equally fascinated with the story playing out. Pushing The Limits is told by both Echo and Noah in alternating chapters, which worked for me in a big way - McGarry did a fantastic job of individualizing their points of view so that there was never any sense of one bleeding in to the other. The external conflict in both of their lives was heart-breaking! My poor heart just kept fracturing for Noah, with his desire to be there for his siblings, and for Echo, and her strained relationship with her father. I enjoyed watching the growth on both Echo and Noah's parts, as they learned to take a chance on one another, and on being happy. I loved watching them both realize how false their original perceptions of each other were. I'm a huge fan of characters who change and mature over the course of a novel, and that definitely happened in Pushing The Limits!

If you're looking for an extremely satisfying read, that will touch your heart, make you think, and make you feel, then give Pushing The Limits a try! Author Katie McGarry has created an astounding cast of characters, each with a story that will change you. Pushing The Limits is a story about breaking down barriers, changing perceptions, and taking chances, and I recommend it to any fans of YA contemporary!

maloryjkennedy10's review against another edition

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I liked this book. I thought it was very well written, and normally I don't like the change in perspectives from chapter to chapter but it gave it a fresh look and there were times were I couldn't wait to get to the next chapter and find out what the other was thinking. (Sometimes you wish you had that in your own relationships!)

I wasn't a huge fan of Echo in the beginning because I felt she was too easily pressured into doing what the popular kids wanted but I was more pleased with her in the end. She walked a long and hard journey and she came out the better for it.

The issue's the high school students faced are realistic and plague our schools every day. I'm glad Echo didn't cave in to the pressures the guys were putting on her. As much as I like reading YA books, as a teacher it grosses me out that high school students have sex (shudders in revulsion.)

The only thing I wish I could change is the title and cover of the book. It makes it seems as if Echo's sole problem is how far to go with Noah (which is my favorite name by the way) when it was really a lot more than that. I wish it could be changed to "A New Norma" or "Returning to Normal" something with a normal theme because that was what Echo and Noah longed to return to. And I wish the book cover could be changed to a series of constellations or a painting, something that adds a little more substance than two kids in the thralls of an embrace. The book was a lot more than kid romance, it was a story of pain, betrayal, strength, and overcoming one's fears.

It was a great story that I would suggest for those who like a good YA dramatic romance.

jsmith6747's review against another edition

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This was a highly engaging story with great characters that you couldn't help but root for. They have already lost so much in their young lives that you want them to finally come out on top. They hit a few rough patches along the way, but I really enjoyed the story and how it ended.

My full review is on the blog:

stehphaknee's review against another edition

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Okay, it’s been a few days since I’ve finished this book so I may not remember ALL the details but I remember enough of them. Katie McGarry has created a must-read contemporary young adult novel with her debut novel, Pushing the Limits, where two individuals, Echo and Noah, must learn to trust again after being betrayed by those who were supposed to protect and care for them. Echo, who the reader is first introduced to, is a former high school It girl but two years ago but two years ago she experienced a life or death trauma that her mother is somehow involved with which has left physical scars. Noah, on the other hand, has deep emotional scars that has left him wary of trusting everyone around after the foster care system and social workers ripped him from the only family members he has left, his two younger brothers. Thanks to a new school therapist, Echo and Noah are thrown together and over the course of the semester learn to trust each other and in turn help overcome each other’s scars and hang ups. The novel leaves the readers hopeful that these two characters might just get a happy ending in life like everyone wishes.

As I said, this book is spectacular debut by McGarry and definite must read for anyone who’s a fan of YA contemporary.