
The Bookseller by Mark Pryor

gudrunenger's review

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3.5. Loved following along with my Paris map as he zipped around the city. Good sense of place, also enjoyed the book sellers angle, an only-in-Paris feature.

graciosareis's review against another edition

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Comprei este livro atraída pela sinopse pois revela uma temática muito do meu agrado: livros, livros raros/antigos, bouquinistes, Paris e ainda o Holocausto.

Felizmente, não fiquei desiludida. O autor desenvolve a trama (um rapto e várias mortes) de forma leve e atribui um certo sentido de humor à personagem principal, Hugo, e ao seu amigo Tom, o que facilita a leitura sobretudo nos momentos mais tensos.

Lê-se bem e foge um pouco ao estereótipo dos romances policiais já que cedo se desconfia quem é o vilão da história.

rebeccajay's review

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Just blah. The story didn't catch my attention, I didn't find a connection to any of the characters; just blah.

mimi_me's review

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I really enjoyed this book. It's highbrow mystery; literary detective fare; sophisticated beach reading material. Set in Paris and introducing Hugo Marston, head of security for the US Embassy, this novel introduced me to the world of the bouquinestes, the sellers of books, and trinkets in small stalls, along the Seine.
When someone starts murdering the bouquinestes, including Hugo's dear friend Max, Hugo can't help but to get involved.
Fast paced, credible and not totally obvious. I can't wait for the next Hugo Marston novel.

lschiff's review

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An enjoyable read, not the best, but enjoyable.

maghsu's review against another edition

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laurlyne's review

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Good book. I liked it enough to read the second in the series.

kabbw's review

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Interesting intro to the series. I'll be back for more.

curiouspolymath's review

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Please follow the link to my blog for my review.

helene_g's review

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I wish we could give 1/2 stars because this book is better than just 3 but not quite 4.