

jaepingsu's review against another edition

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I remember really enjoying Love Hina when I read it years ago, so I figured I would pick up this new series of Ken Akamatsu's from the library since the premise was cute and I've always enjoyed his art.

Well, I don't remember Love Hina being so full of blatant fan service, although it's been so long it's quite possible it was. Between the school girls constantly obsessing over 10-year-old Negi in ways that seem overly sexual, and every single opportunity them being naked, partially naked, or at the very least providing a panty shot, I don't know if this series is for me. I had fun reading the story about Negi trying to teach middle school English, but after a while all of the excuses for nudity and panty shots just gets annoying.

I have a few of these out from the library so I'll keep reading, but if it weren't free there'd be no way I would continue.

lordslaw's review against another edition

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A fun, silly story about a 10-year-old genius who also happens to be a wizard. He is assigned a job teaching English at an all-girl Japanese junior high school. Contrived situations lead to slapstick, fan-service, and comedy. There are 31 students in Magister Negi's class and creator Ken Akamatsu does an admirable job of keeping them all distinct and interesting. At the end of volume one, Negi still doesn't have full control of his class; I look forward to subsequent volumes to see how Negi matures as a teacher and to witness more of his wacky interactions with his students and the school faculty.

jessisquishy's review against another edition

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Me ha gustado bastante la historia, no obstante ha habido partes que no me han gustado demasiado. Lo que menos me ha gustado probablemente es el problemilla de Negi.

aarongertler's review against another edition

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(Review is for the full series -- it starts slowly but gets better)

It's hard to know what to say about a series that features over two dozen compelling, memorable characters while also showing most of those characters in their underwear.

There's no getting around it: Negima!, a manga series about a ten-year-old boy wizard (Negi) who teaches English and magic to a class of Japanese high-schoolers, contains ridiculous amounts of fanservice --- that is, underage girls (with adult proportions) swimming in pools, getting their clothes blown off by gusts of wind, and so on. (Negi is also PG-13 naked for a few panels in many of the early chapters.)

This makes it really hard to recommend. But if you ignore/flip past the fanservice, you'll find one of the greatest stories ever told in cartoon form. Despite starting with a few stumbling chapters of high-school misadventure, Negima! soon embarks on a series of epic quests, filled with clever writing and character development and interesting combat scenes and difficult moral decisions. (After one chapter-long debate between a hero and a villain, I spent a few minutes just staring off into space, trying to figure out whose side I was on --- and I couldn't decide, which is a rare thing indeed.)

I could rant about the virtues of the series for pages. Nearly every girl in Negi's class of thirty has her own arc, chock-full of meaningful character development. The "villains" are complex characters with worthy motives, who in some cases may be doing more good than the heroes. The non-magical characters react with appropriate confusion to the strangeness of their world. The jokes are hilarious. There's a chaste, adorable lesbian romance. There's this panel, which sums up my entire worldview:

And the fanservice almost ruins the whole thing. It's more the fault of the manga business than the author --- he makes plenty of self-mocking jokes about his obligation to feature half-naked characters. Still, it's completely understandable if you decide never to pick this up.

read_with_blondie's review against another edition

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adventurous funny lighthearted fast-paced


cyrille6k's review against another edition

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Negima! delivers a charming magic school adventure. While the beginning takes its time establishing the large cast, the payoff is a delightful ensemble of quirky characters. Fans of lighthearted comedy and endearing moments will find plenty to enjoy, and of course there are fanservice elements. 

captivatedbywords's review against another edition

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The first volume was okay to me. I have the first 5, and I am no rush to get to them right now but we shall see if this picks up for me.

fyrier's review against another edition

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I have reed until the 8 and i think they´re funny.

beesbooksyt's review against another edition

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I have loved this manga series since I first watch the anime when I was around 12 years old and decided to give it a re read. It did not disappoint It had been a few years since I read it but my love for these characters is still so strong and I just really enjoy the dramatics of this story.

katkovacic's review against another edition

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